Certified delivery definition

Certified delivery means certified mail with return receipt requested, or equivalent courier service, or other means, which provides the sender with a receipt confirming delivery.

Examples of Certified delivery in a sentence

  • Certified delivery protocols are money atomic and goods-atomic protocols that also allow both a merchant and a customer to prove exactly which goods were delivered.

  • Certified delivery in bilateral payment transactions should be ensured from both participants’ perspectives, in all cases of site failures, message losses, unilateral aborts and fraudulent behavior.In the NetBill payment system, C proves that the received encrypted goods are intact, if he owns the checksum number of the received goods and if this number is the same as the one gathered by the TTP through C’s payment order.

  • Certified delivery from the consumer’s perspective On the other hand, the code of Figure 21 proves that it is not possible for M to have endorsed C’s payment order when he has not have received the corresponding C’s goods request.

  • Certified delivery logs shall be submitted at least once a week to the Engineer34 unless otherwise approved.

  • When calculating the neutrality charge the TSO shall take into account such costs and revenues arising from the balancing actions, pursuant to sub-paragraph 8.15.2. of the Regulation, which are undertaken by the TSO in the current calendar month (M), but are attributable to the previous calendar month (M-1) for which the monthly settlement as foreseen in sub-paragraph 9.2. of the Regulation, is carried out.

  • From the explicit solution (3), it can be derived from the probability distribution px(q) of the Lagrangian coordinate q(x, t).

  • Table 13: Xpresspost and Xpresspost Certified delivery standards gridDelivery standards are based on normal delivery conditions and are subject to change without notice.

  • Certified delivery m e a n s ce r t ified m a il wi t h r e t urn r eceip t r eq u es t ed, o r eq u iv- a le n t co ur ie r se r vice, o r o t h e r m e a n s, t h a t p r ovides t h e se n de r wi t h a r eceip t co nfi r m i n g delive ry .

  • Certified delivery subsumes money atomicity, goods atomicity, and in addition requires that the merchant is paid if and only if the promised goods are delivered.

  • Certified delivery ticket(s), or other acceptable form thereof, certifying approval/acceptance of material shipped shall accompany each order upon delivery.

Related to Certified delivery

  • Delivery means delivery in compliance of the conditions of the contract or order.

  • Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand.

  • Delivered with respect to any notice to be delivered, given or mailed to a Holder pursuant to this Indenture, shall mean notice (x) given to the Depositary (or its designee) pursuant to the standing instructions from the Depositary or its designee, including by electronic mail in accordance with accepted practices or procedures at the Depositary (in the case of a Global Note) or (y) mailed to such Holder by first class mail, postage prepaid, at its address as it appears on the Note Register, in each case in accordance with Section 17.03. Notice so “delivered” shall be deemed to include any notice to be “mailed” or “given,” as applicable, under this Indenture.

  • Electronic delivery device means any product containing or delivering nicotine, lobelia, or any other substance, whether natural or synthetic, intended for human consumption that can be used by a person to simulate smoking in the delivery of nicotine or any other substance through inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product. Electronic delivery devices includes but is not limited to devices manufactured, marketed, or sold as electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars, electronic pipe, vape pens, modes, tank systems, or under any other product name or descriptor. Electronic delivery device includes any component part of a product, whether or not marketed or sold separately. Electronic delivery device excludes drugs, devices, or combination products, as those terms are defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, that are authorized for sale by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

  • Request for Issuance means a request made pursuant to Section 2.04 in the form of Exhibit B.