Certified seed definition
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Certified seed is seed inspected by the Virginia Crop Improvement Association or a similar agency in another state and must meet published state standards and bear an official "Certified Seed" label.
Certified seed pota- toes shall include only those potatoes which are officially certified and tagged as seed potatoes by the Plant Health and Production Division, Plant Products Directorate, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and which are sub- sequently used as seed.
Certified seed is aclass of certified seed which is the progeny of Breeder, Foundation, or Registered seed, except as provided in§ 201.70, and is produced and handled under procedures established by the certifying agency, in accordance with this part, for producing the Certified class of seed, for the purpose of main- taining genetic purity and identity.
Certified seed potatoes means and in- cludes all potatoes officially certified and tagged, marked, or otherwise ap- propriately identified, under the super- vision of the official seed potato certi- fying agency of the State in which the potatoes are grown, or other seed cer- tification agencies which the Secretary may designate.
Finding bacterial ring rot in the uncertified fields will cause Certified seed fields to be subject to the bacterial ring rot requirement noted on Page 15 (“C.