CFA Franc or “CFAF” means the currency of the Borrower;
Swiss Francs means the lawful currency of Switzerland.
HK$ Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong;
Renminbi or “RMB” means the lawful currency of the PRC.
Indian Rupees or “Rs.” shall mean the mean the currency of the Government of India.
Rupees Rs.", “” shall mean Indian rupees, the lawful currency of India;
HKD means Hong Kong dollars.
Swiss Franc means the lawful currency of Switzerland.
PMU means the Project Management Unit established in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement;
crore means "ten million" and a "lakh" means a "hundred thousand".
Ringgit Malaysia “RM” The lawful currency of Malaysia.
Mexican Pesos means the lawful currency of Mexico.
NIS means New Israeli Shekels.
Indigenous Peoples means social groups with a distinct social and cultural identity that makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the development process, including the presence in varying degrees of the following characteristics: (i) a close attachment to ancestral territories and to the natural resources in these areas; (ii) self-identification and identification by others as members of a distinct cultural group; (iii) an indigenous language, often different from Pilipino, the Recipient’s national language; (iv) presence of customary social and political institutions; and (v) primarily subsistence-oriented production.
India means the territory of India and includes the territorial sea and airspace above it, as well as any other maritime zone in which India has sovereign rights, other rights and jurisdiction, according to the Indian law and in accordance with international law, including the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea;
NOK means Norwegian kroner, being the lawful currency of Norway.
KENAS wherever appearing means the Kenya National Accreditation Service or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits
Bed and breakfast establishment means any establishment (i) having no more than 15 bedrooms;