Examples of Change arrangements in a sentence
The fact is that the Secretary General had many reasons in seeking to launch a similar momentum.
Direct financial interestThe most easily recognisable form of conflict of interest arises when a Governing Body or staff member obtains, or is perceived to obtain, a direct financial benefit over and above the remuneration and terms of service package agreed by the remuneration committee or by national Agenda for Change arrangements.
Providing extended service cover is an aspect of the Agenda for Change arrangements where it is necessary to reach local agreement.
The arrangements set below describe how those trainees employed by the NHS should be dealt with under the Agenda for Change arrangements.
Also, any change of calculation of Iran and North Korea on their nuclear program would be represented as a shift of line CD to upward or downward.
The Committee advises the Governing Body on itsdeterminations about allowances under any pension scheme it might establish as an alternative to the NHS pension scheme and on any other potential alternative remuneration and conditions of service for CCG employees outside of, or in place of, national Agenda for Change arrangements.
However the devolved approach to managing unsocial hours work and overtime across the company means that a wide range of different practices and rates are currently in use, including Agenda for Change arrangements for those staff groups transferred from the NHS.
Chaired by the Lay Member for Audit & Governance, our Remuneration Committee has delegated responsibility from the Governing Body for advising the Governing Body on all aspects of salary not covered by Agenda for Change, arrangements for termination of employment, remuneration, allowances and terms of service of senior managers covered by the Very Senior Managers pay framework, and approving human resources policies and procedures.
Do the landlords and business community of Double Bay support a special rates levy to fund centre management?Following Council’s decision various members of the Chamber met with key landowners and business operators to canvas support for centre management.
It applies to Greater Glasgow Health Board (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) employees covered by Agenda for Change arrangements.