Examples of Chapter 1206 in a sentence
This Act may be cited as the Broadcasting Services Act [Chapter 12:06].
Customers participating in this schedule retain the right to cancel service under this rate schedule and transfer to another applicable published rate schedule set forth in Chapter 12.06.
Chapter 2.10 - Charging Special Allegations, Chapter 3.02 - Three Strikes, Chapter 7 - Special Circumstances, Chapter 12.05 - Three Strikes, Chapter 12.06 - Controlled Substances.
Additionally, Applicants shall obtain any permits required under Chapter 12.06 and Chapter 14.04 for installation of Small Cell Wireless Facilities in the public right-of-way.
Recommendation: Approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 12.04 of Title 12 of San José Municipal Code to increase the total amount of penalties which may be imposed by the San José Elections Commission and amending Chapter 12.06 of Title 12 by adding a new Part 10 to set out requirements for campaign communications and mass mailing disclosures and disclaimers, and making other minor technical corrections and clarifications to the campaign regulations.
Absent: Chirco.) 3.4 Approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 12.04 of Title 12 of San José Municipal Code to increase the total amount of penalties which may be imposed by the San José Elections Commission and amending Chapter 12.06 of Title 12 by adding a new Part 10 to set out requirements for campaign communications and mass mailing disclosures and disclaimers, and making other minor technical corrections and clarifications to the campaign regulations.
Title 12 (Public Utilities) Chapter 12.06 (Uniform Requirements for the Users of the City Owned Treatment Works Regarding Pretreatment of Wastewater) of the Hood River Municipal Code is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Absent: Chirco.) 3.3 Approval of an ordinance amending Title 12 of the San José Municipal Code to repeal Part 8 of Chapter 12.06 regulating officeholder accounts; adopt interim officeholder account regulations; prohibit the establishment of officeholder accounts after July 1, 2008; and make other technical and clarifying changes.
If any portion, provision or section of this ordinance or the provisions of HRMC Chapter 12.06 adopted herein is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, that finding shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion, provision or section of this ordinance or HRMC Chapter 12.06.
If, upon inspection, Tacoma Power discovers any one of the applicability conditions are not met, service will be immediately transferred in accordance with the applicable published rate schedules set forth in Chapter 12.06.