Examples of Chapter 51 in a sentence
Contractors of the City of Pawtucket are required to demonstrate the same commitment to equal opportunity as prevails under federal contracts controlled by Federal Executive Orders 11246, 11625, 11375 and 11830, and Title 28 Chapter 5.1 of the General Laws of Rhode Island.
Chapter 51 and EO 117 restrict business entities which agree to certain contracts or agreements with the State from making or soliciting certain contributions.
Compliance with Chapter 51 and EO 117 is a material term and condition of the Bid Specifications and Agreement, and binding upon the parties thereto upon the entry of all applicable contracts.
Original forms should remain with the State Agency and copies should be sent to the Chapter 51 Review Unit.
The contracting State Agency should submit a copy of the completed and signed form(s), to the Chapter 51 Unit and retain the original for their records.
Signed Name Print Name Title/Position Date Procedure for Submitting Form(s)The contracting State Agency should submit this form to the Chapter 51 Review Unit when it has been required as part of a contracting process.
Forms should be submitted either electronically to:cd134@treas.nj.gov , or regular mail at: Chapter 51 Review Unit, P.O. Box 230, 33 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08625.
Any actual or prospective Respondent who is aggrieved in connection with this solicitation, evaluation, or award of any Contract resulting from this solicitation may formally protest as provided in TPWD’s rules at TAC, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 51, Subchapter L, Rule 51.350.
Any actual or prospective Respondent who is aggrieved in connection with this solicitation, evaluation, or award of any contract resulting from this solicitation may formally protest as provided in TPWD’s rules at TAC, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 51, Subchapter L, Rule 51.350.
The business entity can submit this form directly to the Chapter 51 Review Unit only when it -• Is approaching its two-year certification expiration date and wishes to renew certification;• Had a change in its ownership structure; OR• Made any contributions during the period in which its last two-year certification was in effect, or during the term of a contract with a State Agency.