Chargeback Rate definition

Chargeback Rate means the proportion (expressed as a percentage) of Chargebacks out of the total number of attempted credit or debit card sales transactions.
Chargeback Rate means the proportion (expressed as a percentage) of chargebacks out of the total number of credit or debit card sales transactions, calculated separately for each payment card association (e.g., American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, or Visa).
Chargeback Rate means, as of any date of determination, an amount (expressed as a percentage) equal to (i) the aggregate Outstanding Principal Balances of all Pledged Purchased Consumer Note Receivables and all Pledged Consumer Note Receivables which were, in each case, Consumer Level Eligible Receivables at the time of their Pledge hereunder and which became Chargeback Receivables during the immediately preceding Remittance Period, divided by (ii) the aggregate Outstanding Principal Balances of all Pledged Purchased Consumer Note Receivables and all Pledged Consumer Note Receivables which were, in each case, Consumer Level Eligible Receivables at the time of their Pledge hereunder and which continued to be Consumer Level Eligible Receivables as of the last day of the immediately preceding Remittance Period.

Examples of Chargeback Rate in a sentence

  • The Chargeback Rate Development Worksheet is available on the Chargeback Administration website.

  • We also recalculated the Base Chargeback Rate Per In-County Credit Hour, as shown on Schedule C.

  • Upon further directive, the state aid loss was appropriated to the fund balance resulting in a 4.7% increase to the Chargeback Rate calculation.

  • For any Client whose Total Return Rate exceeds two and one-half percent (2.5%) or Chargeback Rate exceeds one percent (1%) as calculated under Section IV.B of this Order, failing to immediately and permanently terminate all Payment Processing services if the Client: a.

  • We say that p and q form an elementary change from ab to ba whenever there is an individual i in N who ranks a and b consecutively in p and furthermore q(i) = p(i) ∪ {(b, a)} \ {(a, b)} and forall j in N \ {i}, p(j) = q(j).

  • We obtain a contradiction by showing that g factors in C[x], i.e., that G factors in R/FR, which contradicts Proposition 3.2 (g).∈We first study cases (1) and (2) when C = K[u2, v2, uv].

  • No exceptions were noted as a result of this procedure.7. Obtained the accompanying Schedule C - Base Chargeback Rate Per In-County Credit Hour, for the year ended June 30, 2019, prepared by management of the College.

  • ACTION/RC 2.4 Recommendation: Approval of Sussex County Community College – Report on Agreed-Upon Procedures of Base Chargeback Rate Per Credit Hour – Year Ended June 30, 2017.

  • Prepare a schedule of Total Credit-Hour and Equivalent Credit-Hour enrollment, Base Chargeback Rate per Credit Hour with accompanying independent auditor’s report on related internal controls.

  • Obtained the accompanying Schedule C – Base Chargeback Rate per In-County Credit Hour, for the year ended June 30, 2015, as prepared by management of the College.

Related to Chargeback Rate

  • Repo Rate on any day means the highest interest rate available to a Lender from investment in overnight repurchase agreements.

  • Rollback tax rate means the rate that will produce last year’s maintenance and operation tax levy (adjusted) from this year’s values (adjusted) multiplied by 1.08 plus a rate that will produce this year’s debt service from this year’s values (unadjusted) divided by the anticipated tax collection rate.

  • ISDA Fallback Rate means the rate that would apply for derivatives transactions referencing the ISDA Definitions to be effective upon the occurrence of an index cessation date with respect to the Benchmark for the applicable tenor excluding the applicable ISDA Fallback Adjustment.

  • Yield Rate means, (i) with respect to any Eligible Treasury Security on deposit at any time in either of the Paired Holding Trusts, the stated interest rate of such Eligible Treasury, if any, or any discount rate applicable to such Eligible Treasury, based on the purchase date and purchase price at which the applicable Paired Holding Trust acquired that Eligible Treasury, and (ii) with respect to any Eligible Treasury Repurchase Agreement, the difference between the repurchase price and the purchase price paid under such agreement, with such difference expressed as a percentage of such purchase price.

  • LIBOR Rate means a rate per annum (rounded upwards, if necessary, to the next higher 1/100th of 1%) determined by the Administrative Agent pursuant to the following formula: LIBOR Rate = LIBOR 1.00-Eurodollar Reserve Percentage

  • Blended Rate means, with respect to any Taxable Year, the sum of the effective rates of tax imposed on the aggregate net income of the Corporate Taxpayer in each state or local jurisdiction in which the Corporate Taxpayer files Tax Returns for such Taxable Year, with the maximum effective rate in any state or local jurisdiction being equal to the product of: (i) the apportionment factor on the income or franchise Tax Return filed by the Corporate Taxpayer in such jurisdiction for such Taxable Year, and (ii) the maximum applicable corporate tax rate in effect in such jurisdiction in such Taxable Year. As an illustration of the calculation of Blended Rate for a Taxable Year, if the Corporate Taxpayer solely files Tax Returns in State 1 and State 2 in a Taxable Year, the maximum applicable corporate tax rates in effect in such states in such Taxable Year are 6% and 5%, respectively and the apportionment factors for such states in such Taxable Year are 60% and 40%, respectively, then the Blended Rate for such Taxable Year is equal to 5.6% (i.e., 6% times 60% plus 5% times 40%).

  • Annual Percentage Rate or “APR” of a Receivable means the annual rate of finance charges stated in such Receivable.

  • Recovered tax increment value means, except as otherwise

  • Alternative Base Rate means the rate that has replaced LIBOR in customary market usage for determining floating interest rates in respect of bonds denominated in Dollars or, if the Independent Financial Adviser or the Issuer (in consultation with the Calculation Agent and acting in good faith and a commercially reasonable manner), as applicable, determines that there is no such rate, such other rate as the Independent Financial Adviser or the Issuer (in consultation with the Calculation Agent and acting in good faith and a commercially reasonable manner), as applicable, determines in its or the Issuer’s sole discretion is most comparable to LIBOR. If the Alternative Base Rate is determined, such Alternative Base Rate shall be the Alternative Base Rate for the remaining Interest Periods.

  • Benchmark Rate means, with respect to any Redemption Date, the rate per annum equal to the annual equivalent yield to maturity or interpolated maturity of the Comparable Benchmark Issue (as defined below), assuming a price for the Comparable Benchmark Issue (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Comparable Benchmark Price for such Redemption Date.