Chemical Oxygen Demand definition
Examples of Chemical Oxygen Demand in a sentence
CNS: Central Nervous System.CNT: Carbon nanotubes.COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand.
The soluble component of 5 –day Biochemical Oxygen Demand concentration shall not exceed 250 mg/L The Chemical Oxygen Demand concentration shall not exceed 1500 mg/L.
In order to protect water quality from impacts to DO in the receiving water, a Chemical Oxygen Demand limit of 100 mg/l, daily maximum is established in the draft permit based on BPJ.
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Conclusion is not possible for a mixture as a whole.Adsorbed organic bound halogens (AOX)Conclusion is not possible for a mixture as a whole.
Passes OECD test(s) for ready biodegradability.10-day Window: Pass Biodegradation: > 80 % Exposure time: 28 dMethod: OECD Test Guideline 301F or Equivalent Chemical Oxygen Demand: 2.890 mg/g Hydrocarbons, C10-C13, aromatics, <1% naphthaleneBiodegradability: For similar material(s): Biodegradation may occur under aerobic conditions (in the presence of oxygen).