CFO means an individual who acted as chief financial officer of the Company, or acted in a similar capacity, for any part of the most recently completed financial year;
Chief Fire Officer means the chief fire officer appointed by the municipality in terms of section 5 of the Fire Brigade Services Act and includes any person appointed as acting chief fire officer;
Chief Electoral Officer means the person appointed by the PCMNO pursuant to Part A of the MNO Electoral Code;
Chief Administrative Officer or “CAO” means the administrative head of a municipality as appointed by Council under clause 86(2)(c) of the Municipal Government Act.
Chief Finance Officer means the officer having responsibility for the purposes of section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 (financial administration) for the administration of the local authority’s financial affairs.
General Counsel means the General Counsel of the Corporation.
Chief of Police means the Chief of Police, from time to time, of the Toronto Police Service.