Child definition
Examples of Child in a sentence
Absent an undisputed instruction from the Account Owner or Child, as indicated above, or a final court order, ViaCord will continue to store the Newborn Stem Cells as long as banking service fees continue to be paid.
If a Cord Tissue Sample is being collected, after the Child is delivered, the Collecting Healthcare Provider will collect as much of the umbilical cord tissue as possible and clean the cord tissue with provided wipes before placing it into the sterile, protective cup.
In addition to the information requested in the Health History Questionnaire(s), use of Newborn Stem Cells requires health information about the Gestational Carrier at the time of birth of the Child.
Unless the Child is part of a multiple birth, enrolling for sequencing services through ViaCord includes enrollment in the DNA Guardian Program, and the purchase price of the Sequencing Services for the Child includes the price of enrollment in the DNA Guardian Program.
If a Cord Blood Sample is being collected, after the Child is delivered and the cord is clamped, the Collecting Healthcare Provider will clean a four-to-eight-inch area of umbilical cord with antiseptic solution and will insert the blood bag needle into the umbilical cord vein.