Examples of Chinese Medicine Practitioners in a sentence
A registered herbalist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, bone setter or osteopath all licensed under any applicable laws of the country in which the practice is granted including a traditional chinese medical practitioner registered with the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, other than the Insured, Insured Person or the immediate family or relatives or the business partners or employers or employees of either.
I, the undersigned, consent to my nomination as a candidate for election to the Council of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) and affirm that all the information provided by me is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate.
The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (the “College”) is seeking a qualified consultant to assist the College in the development of the Self, Peer and Practice Assessment (PPA) components of the Quality Assurance Program (the QA Program).
The goal of the Quality Assurance Program is to protect the public by working in partnership with Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists in Ontario to support and provide them with tools to demonstrate their ongoing competence and to provide members with an opportunity to control their own professional development.
LangThat the Council of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario approves the composition of committees as presented.
This Benefit shall be payable when the Member is treated by a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner on anout-patient basis at the Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner's clinic, and incurs consultation fee and charges for Medically Necessary Chinese Medicines prescribed at the time of consultation by such practitioner and obtained at a legitimate source on the same day of consultation.
Please submit your payment in ONE of the options below:❑ Payment Method 1: Certified Cheque / Money Order (made payable to the “College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario” or “CTCMPAO” in Canadian Funds only, for the amount of your class of Registration Renewal above)❑ Payment Method 2: Credit Card (fill next section)8.
This development followed a recommendation from the provincial review body charged with considering whether self-regulating status should be extended to other groups of health care providers (Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists Regulation, BC Reg 385/2000).
The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario is continued as a corporation under the control of an Administrator, who is tasked with its winding up.
Sundry receivables represent IT service charges shared with Singapore Pharmacy Council, Singapore Dental Council, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board, and Singapore Medical Council.