Examples of Church Members in a sentence
Such officers shall determine the most fruitful and edifying way to notify the remaining Elders and the Church Members.
Voting results shall be communicated to Church Members not later than thirty (30) days following such vote.
The Elders may also receive recommendations for Elder candidates from Church Members.
Only Church Members shall be permitted to vote on any matter under this §10.3. A simple majority, defined as a result greater than 50% when the number of affirmative votes are divided by the number of total votes cast, shall constitute a passing vote.
Board, Elders or Diaconate) are appointed or removed by a duly constituted meeting of Church Members 4.03 (e) Church Members must have the right to vote in relation to the sale or purchase of any real property and in respect of any significant transactions affecting any real property used by the Church; and 4.03 (f) At least once each year financial reports and a budget for the following year must be presented to a meeting of the Church.
It is recognised that each Church has the liberty to govern its own affairs in whatever way it chooses but the following must be adhered to by a Church as a minimum standard for admission as a Member of QB and for continuation of that membership: - 4.03 (a) A meeting of the Church Members must be held at least once each year.
Church Members shall meet together not less often than annually in a Church Meeting under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and under the Lordship of Christ to discern the mind of God in the affairs of the Church.
In order to preserve the function and integrity of the Church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical example to the Church Members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by the Church in any capacity or united to the Church in membership should abide by and agree to this §9.3, “Statement on Marriage and Sexuality“ and conduct themselves accordingly.
The Church Members elect all Lay members of the Board of Elders and elective members of the Nominating Committee by secret ballot.
If a vote is taken by the Active Church Members and a 2/3 majority vote for removal is not reached, the Board of Elders has the final authority to decisively act in the matter.