Cleanup or remediation definition
Examples of Cleanup or remediation in a sentence
Entry issuesWhile I was part of a statutory children and families team, I began to have doubts about pursuing my research when I considered the pressurized, sometimes paranoid climate in front line settings, and the likelihood of managers cooperating who were already under immense scrutiny.
Allowable measures may include but are not limited to the following: • Roof repair• Wall repair (interior or exterior)• Ceiling repair• Floor repair• Foundation or subspace repair• Exterior drainage repairs (e.g., landscaping or gutters)• Plumbing repairs• Electrical repair• Clean-up or remediation beyond typical scope of WAP preventing WAP work Other items may be allowable on a case by case basis depending on the severity of the hazard and keeping the $4000/residence cap in mind.
The standard AHB implementation provides fast communication between several master and slave modules; it is capable of pipelined operations, burst transfers and split transactions.
Contractual relationships will only exist between Expedia and AER (Schedule 6).
Cleanup standards in the MTCA regulations (WAC 173-340) consist of the following:• Cleanup or remediation levels for hazardous substances present at a site (constituent concentrations in affected media).
Cleanup or remediation of pits contaminated with hazardous substances, whether or not mixed with oil wastes, must be treated with CERCLA monies.
Cleanup or remediation levels more consistent with Site use may be developed in the RI and/or Feasibility Study (FS) based on more applicable exposure scenarios for the Site.