Examples of Client Profile in a sentence
Client Profile-CMHCA Client Profile is completed by the CMHC prior to the beginning of the on-site portion of the QSR for each individual scheduled to be interviewed.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-49, Federal S/MIME V3 Client Profile, November 2002.
I represent that all information contained within the Client Profile is true and accurate.
If a Client withdraws consent for sharing of information (release of information), Participant remains responsible to ensure that the Client’s information is restricted at the Client Profile level and therefore unavailable to other participants.
Participant understands that participation in the NWSSC CMIS/HMIS system will make confidential information in the Client Profile available to other participants as outlined in the NWSSC CMIS/HMIS Policies and Procedures.
Xxxxxx Xxxxx will rely on the information I provide in the Client Profile in order to recommend an Account Portfolio Objective and a Goal Portfolio Objective, if applicable.
I agree to promptly notify Xxxxxx Xxxxx by contacting my financial advisor of any material change in the information that I have provided to Xxxxxx Xxxxx, including, but not limited to, my financial situation, investment objectives and/or risk tolerance and any other information provided by me in the Client Profile.
I may be required to complete a new Client Profile in order for Xxxxxx Xxxxx to recommend a modification of my Account Portfolio Objective or Goal Portfolio Objective after considering such change.
Upon exiting, you will be returned to the Client Profile, household tab.
Benefits paid on behalf of a recipient are stored in TECS and Vision on Client Profile.