Examples of Closely resemble in a sentence
Closely resemble means that the major workplace conditions which have contributed to the levels of historic asbestos exposure, are no more protective than conditions of the current workplace.
More than sufficient spoil and other waste materialsoccur where the overburden thickness times the swell factor exceeds the combinedthickness of the overburden and coal bed prior to removing the coal, so that after backfilling and grading the surfaceconfiguration of the reclaimed area would not: (a) Closely resemble the surfaceconfiguration of the land prior to mining; or(b) Blend into and complement the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain.(2) Performance standards.
To avoid bias due to different timetables (e.g. during weekend), we considered only disruptions with Figure 1: Distribution of disruptions in the city of Zu¨rich (from 01-01-2018 to 31-08-2018).
Insufficient spoil and other waste materials occur where the overburden thickness times the swell factor, plus the thickness of other available waste materials, is less than the combined thickness of the overburden and coal bed prior to removing the coal, so that after backfilling and grading the surface configuration of the reclaimed area would not: (1) Closely resemble the surface configuration of the land prior to mining; or(2) Blend into and complement the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain.
Closely resemble - The major workplace conditions which have contributed to the levels of historic asbestos exposure, are no more protective than conditions of the current workplace.
On 29 August 2018, she filed Civil Appeal No 157 of 2018 (“CA 157/2018”) to the Court of Appeal pursuant to para (g) of the Fourth Schedule to the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Cap 322, 2007 Rev Ed).
Neurons in the Ventral Intraparietal Area of Awake Macaque Monkey Closely resemble Neurons in the Dorsal Part of the Medial Superior Temporal Area in Their Responses to Optic Flow Patterns.
Closely resemble the American norm—ethnically and income wise—although with relatively stronger egalitarian values and a greater likelihood of being moderate politically.Cautious (25%) Believe global warming is a problem, but not as firm in their beliefs; don’t perceive it as a personal threat; feel little urgency to act.
Be in-line input the register of the market renters or buyers market for example Closely resemble be similar rentals are quality for velvet the area and hustle the value.
Closely resemble the goods being valued in terms of characteristics and component materials; ii.