Examples of Cluster Unit in a sentence
Two members of the TPI review team sat in on a bi-weekly meeting of the Education Cluster Unit in Geneva.
Income tax expenseTax expenses was approximately RMB25.8 million for six months ended 30 June 2016, representing primarily income tax on taxable profits produced by the companies of the Group in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), less any tax losses brought forward from prior years, the net amount being taxed at the PRC’s Enterprise Income Tax rate of 25%.
So, from the outset, the Education Cluster Unit would have, in effect, two leaders, each answerable to their respective employer as well as to the governance structure of the Global Education Cluster.The creation of these two posts also implies a lack of equity between the two agencies, which was frequently commented upon by respondents to our interviews.
Indeed, a more appropriate prioritization should be performed as part of the process of re-developing the partnership by the partner agencies working together.The target of the recommendation – as far as can be determined by the reviewers – is indicated in the left-hand column as follows: ECU – Education Cluster Unit; SG – Steering Group; HQ – Headquarters level of the co-lead agencies.
There was a very high degree of goodwill shown by members of the Global Education Cluster and, in Geneva, the Cluster Unit staff offered all assistance required in the interviewing.
The comprehensive system for cluster monitoring (with Logframe, indicators, etc.), elaborated by the UNIDO Cluster Unit in Vienna, has not been used in this project.
This list was further expanded using suggestions from senior members of the partner agencies and from the Co-ordinator and Deputy Co- ordinator of the Education Cluster Unit.
The aim was to interview as wide a cross-section as possible so that responses would be gathered from representatives of the various constituent organisations within the Global Education Cluster – the Steering Group, the Working Group, the Education Cluster Unit and the themed Task Teams (e.g. Capacity Development; Knowledge Management).
Seven individuals were interviewed during this phase, four from UNICEF and three from Save the Children, including the Co-ordinator and Deputy Co-ordinator of the Education Cluster Unit.
In the first, two of the TPI team visited Geneva to carry out face-to-face interviews with all the members of the Education Cluster Unit, those directly associated with the Unit and members of the Education Cluster Working Group based in Geneva.