Examples of Combined Network Services in a sentence
In respect of Combined Network Services only, and where appropriate, Network Rail may require the Train Operator to make the relevant entry to record such times on the Performance Monitoring System.
Interim statements provided by Network Rail Using all reasonable endeavours, Network Rail shall provide to the Train Operator an interim statement listing all incidents which are in connection with Combined Network Services which were Planned to depart from their Origin during each day.
As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each Charging Period, and using all reasonable endeavours to provide such interim statement within six Working Days after the end of each Charging Period, Network Rail shall provide to the Train Operator an interim statement listing: the total Combined Network Contract Miles; and the total number of Combined Network Services, in each case operated by the Train Operator during that Charging Period.
Performance monitoring system recordings For the purposes of this Schedule 8, Network Rail shall use recordings made using the Performance Monitoring System, including the times at which Combined Network Services and Third Party Trains Trigger a Recording Point.
The Cancellation Sum shall be calculated as follows: the Cancellation Sum shall be £2,025 for each Combined Network Cancellation below the Cancellation Threshold; the Cancellation Sum shall be £5,401 for each Combined Network Cancellation equal to or above the Cancellation Threshold; and the "Cancellation Threshold" in any Charging Period shall be 0.40 per cent of the total number of Combined Network Services operated by the Train Operator in that Charging Period.
The Cancellation Sum shall be calculated as follows: the Cancellation Sum shall be £2,444 for each Combined Network Cancellation below the Cancellation Threshold; the Cancellation Sum shall be £6,520 for each Combined Network Cancellation equal to or above the Cancellation Threshold; and the "Cancellation Threshold" in any Charging Period shall be 0.56 per cent of the total number of Combined Network Services operated by the Train Operator in that Charging Period.
For the purposes of this Schedule 8, Network Rail shall use recordings made using the Performance Monitoring System, including the times at which Combined Network Services and Third Party Trains Trigger a Recording Point.
Using all reasonable endeavours, Network Rail shall provide to the Train Operator an interim statement listing all incidents which are in connection with Combined Network Services which were Planned to depart from their Origin during each day.