Examples of Commercial fisher in a sentence
Commercial fisher or fishing entities, known as right holders, are granted a fishing right during particular periods, for a specific fishery, and abide by the related fisheries regulations (DAFF 2015a).
These courses include knowledge and skill development to enhance an employee's work performance and can be applicable for either supervisors/managers or non-supervisory employees.
Commercial fisher- men could lethally remove sea lions that interfered with fishing operations until prohibited to do so under the 1994 amendments to the MMPA (Cass, 1985; 16 U.S.C. §1387(a)(5)).
Commercial fisher Robert McKamey, a defence witness, acknowledged that the economic and social conditions on the Musqueam, Burrard, Tsawwassen and Sto:lo reserves were not particularly attractive.
Commercial fisher proposal for the Hastings RiverDPI advised the Council of a proposal from a mid-north coast commercial fisher regarding the Hastings River recreational fishing haven.