Committee of Experts definition
Examples of Committee of Experts in a sentence
The proposals shall be communicated to the International Bureau, which shall submit them to the members of the Committee of Experts and to the observers not later than two months before the session of the Committee of Experts at which the said proposals are to be considered.
In addition to the observations contained in its report, the Committee of Experts has, as in previous years, made direct requests which are communicated to governments by the Office on the Committee’s behalf.
The commentary on the draft reveals that, according to the Committee of Experts, the aliens to whom the Article refers are not only those lawfully resident on the territory but “all those who have no actual right to nationality in a State, whether they are passing through a country or reside or are domiciled in it, whether they are refugees or entered the country on their own initiative, or whether they are stateless or possess another nationality” (Article 4 of the final Committee draft, p.
The basic working document of the Committee is the report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Report III (Parts 1A and B)), printed in two volumes.
The model provisions for national laws submitted to the WIPO Committee of Experts on Measures Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (April 1988) contain provisions on conservatory measures, on civil remedies and on criminal sanctions to be applied in case of piracy.
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.
The Committee then holds a discussion on general aspects of the application of Conventions and Recommendations and the discharge by member States of standards-related obligations under the ILO Constitution, which is primarily based on the General Report of the Committee of Experts.
These cases are selected on the basis of the observations published in the report of the Committee of Experts.
In any event, the Explanatory Report to Protocol No. 4, drawn up in 1963, reveals that as far as the Committee of Experts was concerned, the purpose of Article 4 was to formally prohibit “collective expulsions of aliens of the kind which was a matter of recent history”.
The inclusion of any word in the alphabetical index, however, is not an expression of opinion of the Committee of Experts on whether or not it is subject to exclusive rights.