Commonwealth Edison definition
Examples of Commonwealth Edison in a sentence
The Zone included in this Tariff, along with applicable Schedules and Attachments, for Commonwealth Edison Company, The Dayton Power and Light Company and the AEP East Operating Companies (Appalachian Power Company, Columbus Southern Power Company, Indiana Michigan Power Company, Kentucky Power Company, Kingsport Power Company, Ohio Power Company and Wheeling Power Company).
Cost-effectiveness screening of demand-side management programs and measures; estimates by Commonwealth Edison of costs avoided by DSM and of future cost, capacity, and performance of supply resources.
Commonwealth Edison Company, an Illinois corporation (the “Company”), proposes to issue and sell from time to time First Mortgage Bonds (the “Mortgage Bonds”).
Customer enrollment with the Provider will occur thereafter without further action by the customer on terms set forth in the Power Supply Agreement and according to the retail tariffs of Commonwealth Edison.
If the Corporate Authorities enter into a service agreement with a Provider, Commonwealth Edison will continue to provide and service delivery of the electricity purchased from the Provider, and metering, repairs and emergency service will continue to be provided by Commonwealth Edison.
The Corporate Authorities have determined that each participant in the Aggregation Group shall receive a single monthly bill from Commonwealth Edison under applicable tariffs.
By majority vote of the Corporate Authorities, the Village may determine not to enter into a service agreement with any Provider and in such event the Aggregation Group shall continue to purchase electric power through Commonwealth Edison.
If to the Company to: Commonwealth Edison Company One Financial Place440 S.
ComEd’s consolidated financial statements include the accounts of ComEd and Commonwealth Edison Company of Indiana, Inc.
Electric Distribution Company (“EDC”): Commonwealth Edison (ComEd)Customer Care CenterP.O. Box 805379 Chicago, IL 60680-5379 1-800-334-7661 www.comed.comIn the case of an outage, call: 1-800-334-7661 The Consumer Services Division of theIllinois Commerce Commission (“ICC”):527 East Capitol Ave.