Communist Chinese military company definition

Communist Chinese military company means any entity that is—
Communist Chinese military company means any entity, regardless of geographic location that is—
Communist Chinese military company means any entity, regardless of

Examples of Communist Chinese military company in a sentence

  • The clause will also apply to the acquisition of commercial items, including Commercially Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) items, if the items are 600 series items on the CCL, or USML items.Although most 600 series items are notcommercial items, and USML items are even less likely to be commercial items, it is possible that some of these covered items will be commercial items and must not be purchased from a Communist Chinese military company.

  • This rule will not have a significant economic impact on any small entities,unless they are offering commercial satellite services subject to the restrictions of this rule or providing 600 series items from a Communist Chinese military company.

  • In order to ensure continued prohibition against purchase of items listed in the 600 series of the CCL from a Communist Chinese military company, this rule requires use of the clause in solicitations and contracts involving the delivery of items listed in the 600 series of the CCL, but does not otherwise change the clause prescription.

  • Section 1211 of the NDAA for FY 2006, prohibited purchase of items on the United States Munitions List (USML) from a Communist Chinese military company, in order to protect the integrity of the supply chain for military items.

  • For increased ease of reading, the definitions of Communist Chinese military company and ‘‘United States Munitions List’’ are now repeated at DFARS 225.003, rather than just providing a cross-reference at 225.770– 1 to the definitions in the clause at DFARS 252.225–7007.

  • The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, including the Defense Technology Security Administration, as well as the offices in the purview of the previous Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, the National Security staff, and others were very concerned about potential acquisition of military components from a Communist Chinese military company, due to potential adverse impact on the integrity of the supply chain for major U.S. weapons systems.

  • To prohibit purchasefrom a Communist Chinese military company of items that meet the definition of goods and services controlled as munitions items when moved to the 600 series of the CCL of the Export Administration Regulations of the Department of Commerce.DoD estimates that this rule willapply small entities as follows:• Section 1603.

  • Until this rule is in effect, there is no basis on which to refuse to buy items with military applications listed in the 600 series of the CCL from a Communist Chinese military company.

  • Section 1296 of the NDAA for FY 2017 amends section 1211 to prohibit purchase from any Communist Chinese military company, through a contract or subcontract (at any tier), of goods and services controlled as munitions items on the 600 series of the Commerce Control List (CCL) of the Export Administration Regulations of the Department of Commerce.

  • Any supplies or services covered by the United States Munitions List that are delivered under this contract may not be acquired, directly or indirectly, from a Communist Chinese military company.

More Definitions of Communist Chinese military company

Communist Chinese military company. , as used in this clause, means any entity regardless of geographic location that is:

Related to Communist Chinese military company

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  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

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  • Indigenous Peoples means social groups with a distinct social and cultural identity that makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the development process, including the presence in varying degrees of the following characteristics: (i) a close attachment to ancestral territories and to the natural resources in these areas; (ii) self-identification and identification by others as members of a distinct cultural group; (iii) an indigenous language, often different from Pilipino, the Recipient’s national language; (iv) presence of customary social and political institutions; and (v) primarily subsistence-oriented production.

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  • Stormwater management measure means any practice, technology, process, program, or other method intended to control or reduce stormwater runoff and associated pollutants, or to induce or control the infiltration or groundwater recharge of stormwater or to eliminate illicit or illegal non-stormwater discharges into stormwater conveyances.

  • Enslavement means the exercise of any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership over a person and includes the exercise of such power in the course of trafficking in persons, in particular women and children;

  • Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999 between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If it is determined that the Michigan economic development corporation is unable to perform its duties under this act, those duties shall be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.

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  • School climate means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.

  • Public school academy means a public school academy or strict discipline academy organized under the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1 to 380.1852.

  • Nodal Ministry means the Ministry or Department identified pursuant to this order in respect of a particular item of goods or services or works.

  • Nontransient noncommunity water system means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least the same 25 persons over 6 months per year.

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