Examples of Community activities in a sentence
Environmental: • School culture; • School climate; • Student-staff relationships and staff behavior toward the student; • General staff management of classrooms or other educational environments; • Staff ability to prevent and manage difficult or inflammatory situations; • Availability of programs to address student behavior; • Social-emotional and behavioral supports; • Social relationships; • Community activities; • Neighborhood situation; and • Family situation.
Community activities are encouraged, van outings are arranged on a regular basis.
Be conveniently located in relation to; -- Shopping, employment, and entertainment centers;-- Community activities and services such as parks, libraries, community centers, churches, and social clubs; and,-- Basic services of police, fire, rescue, and schools.
The EIT RIS is the EIT Community’s outreach introduced in 2014 to share good practices and experience emerging from EIT Community activities.
The recipient shall participate in SIF Learning Community activities as reasonably requested by CNCS from time to time and shall work collaboratively with CNCS to develop such activities.
Community activities must be self-financing, except study support for pupils.
Such data shall be processed by the Controller solely in connection with the implementation and follow-up of the grant agreement and the evaluation and impact assessment of Community activities, including the use and dissemination of foreground, without prejudice to the possibility of passing the data to the bodies in charge of a monitoring or inspection task in accordance with Community legislation and this grant agreement.
The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme was introduced in 2014 to share good practices and experience emerging from the EIT Community activities and to widen participation in our activities across Europe.
The Awardee shall participate in SIF Learning Community activities as reasonably requested by CNCS from time to time and shall work collaboratively with CNCS to develop such activities.
Cyprus meets the requirements for participation in Community activities in the field ofculture.