Examples of Community authority in a sentence
In the case of the application of an anti-dumping duty or countervailing measure, or the acceptance of a price undertaking, by the Andean Community authority on behalf of two or more member Countries of the Andean Community, the competent Andean Community judicial body shall be the single forum for judicial review.
The aim of this Regulation is to establish, for the purpose of enabling statistical conclusions to be drawn for scientific purposes, the conditions under which access to confidential data transmitted to the Community authority may be granted and the rules of cooperation between the Community and national authorities in order to facilitate such access.
Each national authority and the Community authority shall bilaterally agree in writing on the practical arrangements and conditions referred to in Articles 5 and 6.
But see Toth, supra note 235, at 1082 (distinguishing then Article 235 as an independent basis for Community authority); and in the directive, Steiner, supra note 247, at 50–51; Jac- qué & Weiler, supra note 323, at 203; but see Toth, supra note 235, at 1083 (noting that in practice directives constrain Member State discretion).
He will then describe in greater detail the neurotoxic effects of the NMDA receptor antagonist MK801in P7 animals.
In this regard, the protection of the rights enjoyed by individuals cannot vary depending on whether a national authority or a Community authority is responsible for the damage.
All fishing licence applications shall be accompanied by the following documents: — proof of payment of the fee for the period of validity of the licence, — with the first application under the Protocol, a recent colour photograph showing a side of the vessel in its cur- rent state; the photograph shall be at least 15 cm by 10 cm, — the vessel’s seaworthiness certificate, — the vessel’s registration certificate, — the vessel’s health conformity certificate issued by the competent Community authority.
Stream segments which have a width of two feet or greater at the ordinary high water mark and have a gradient of 16 percent or less for basins less than or equal to 50 acres in size, or have a gradient of 20 percent or less for basins greater than 50 acres in size are provisionally presumed to be used by salmonid fish.
Madrid, Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte, 2009) Financing for training initiatives also includes the amounts that are allocated to this type of training by the European Social Fund (ESF), in accordance with the Community Support Framework and the conditions set by the Community authority in question.
As far as possible and without compromi- sing quality at Community level, the dissemination will take place before the next transmission of national results to the Community authority is due.