Community of interest definition

Community of interest means a group of persons with a shared interest, association or bond;
Community of interest means a continuing financial interest between the grantor
Community of interest means a continuing financial interest between the grantor and grantee in either the operation of the dealership business or the marketing of such goods or services.

Examples of Community of interest in a sentence

  • Community of interest testimony affected the lines for all district types throughout California.

  • The department invests in prevention and early intervention responses throughout the community to reduce vulnerability and disadvantage.Communities can be identified in two ways: Geographic community – people who live in a defined area; Community of interest and/or identity – people who identify and share a similar interest or issue with others (e.g. young people, carers, seniors, culture, or ethnicity).

  • Forms of self- governmenta) Nation-based (land based)b) Public governmentc) Community of interest (no land base)Similar15.

  • Community of interest is not defined by the New Jersey Employer- Employee Relations Act, but the Public Employee Relations Commission has ruled that a community of interest arises among all nonsupervisory employees in a school district (both certificated and noncertificated) because school district employees have a common employer, work in the same buildings, and have similar goals and purposes, i.e., the education and betterment of students.

  • A Community of interest may be defined as a form of business organization, in which without any formal central administration, the business policy of several companies is controlled by a group of common stockholders or directors.

More Definitions of Community of interest

Community of interest means a neighborhood or any geographically defined group of people living in
Community of interest shall bear the meaning given by the Ontario Labour Relations Board and may include the following criteria:
Community of interest means any group in Colorado that shares one or more substantial interests that may be the subject of federal legislative action, is composed of a reasonably proximate population, and thus should be considered for inclusion within a single district for purposes of ensuring its fair and effective representation.
Community of interest means a continuing financial interest that the grantor and grantee have in common.
Community of interest means a special population not constrained by geography.
Community of interest means the critical consideration in determining the scope of bargaining units. In determining whether a proposed bargaining unit shares a community of interest, the Board may consider the following factors, among others:
Community of interest means a contiguous