Community renewable energy project means an eligible renewable resource that:
Community renewable energy project means an eligible renewable resource that is interconnected on the utility side of the meter in which local owners have a controlling interest and that is less than or equal to 5 megawatts in total calculated nameplate capacity.
Community renewable energy project means one or more renewable energy sys- tems, storage systems, microgrids or energy-related infrastructures that promote energy resilience, increase renewable energy generation or renewable energy storage capacity and provide a direct benefit to a particular community in the form of increased community en- ergy resilience, local jobs, economic development or direct energy costs savings to families and small businesses.
More Definitions of Community renewable energy project
Community renewable energy project means one or more renewable energy systems, storage systems, microgrids or energy-related infrastructure that promote energy resilience, increase renewable energy generation or renewable energy storage capacity and provide a direct benefit to a particular community in the form of increased community energy resilience, local jobs, economic development or direct energy costs savings to families and small businesses.
Community renewable energy project means an eligible renewable resource as defined in 90-4-
Community renewable energy project means one or more renewable energy sys-
Community renewable energy project means one or more
Community renewable energy project means one or more renewable energy systems, stor-
Community renewable energy project means an eligible renewable resource that is interconnected
Community renewable energy project means an eligible renewable resource that is less than or