Examples of Class II renewable energy in a sentence
IREC recommends that the BPU clarify that its interconnection rules apply to both Class I and Class II renewable energy sources.
These investments will be segregated for both tracking and arbitrage purposes within the district’s overall portfolio and invested in a manner consistent with this investment policy, Internal Revenue Service requirements, trust indentures, if any, Oregon Revised Statutes (Chapter 294) and expected drawdown schedules.
Mr. Spinale thinks it’s a good opportunity for Belmont because it comes with Maine Class II renewable energy certificates (RECs), the cost of power is very low, and eliminates congestion costs because it is local.
Page 14.regulations only require the energy from Class I or Class II renewable energy credits (RECs) to be “generated within or delivered into the PJM region, as defined under N.J.A.C 14:4-1-2.”73 That said, if NJ RECs are definitionally changed to require a locational attribute, then the current BGS SMA language would not need any additional changes, since BGS suppliers are already required to meet the state’s RPS obligations.
N.J.S.A. § 48:3-51 (Definition of Class II renewable energy); N.J.A.C. § 14:8-1.2.