Company Royalties definition
Examples of Company Royalties in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Company’s Royalties from series previously broadcast by Company on 4Kids TV on Fox will be considered Company’s Broadcast Year Royalties hereunder only to the extent such Company Royalties during any Broadcast Year during the Term exceed a baseline of Company’s Royalties from such series during the last Broadcast Year that such series has been broadcast by Company on 4Kids TV on Fox.
Structure of Company Royalties ROYALTY FEES The Company generates revenue from royalties with both fixed and variable components.
L.-Stockholder, Hologic, Inc; Shareholder, Quantitative Insights, Inc; Royalties, Hologic, Inc; Roy- alties, General Electric Company; Royalties, MEDIAN Technologies; Royalties, Riverain Technologies, LLC; Royalties, Mitsubishi Corporation; Royalties, Toshiba Corporation; Researcher, Koninklijke Philips NV; Researcher, U-Systems, Inc Gilkeson, R.
S.-Research Consultant, SuperSonic Imagine; Speakers Bureau, Medical Technology Management Institute Lee, T.-Research Grant, General Electric Company; Royalties, General Electric Company Lee, Y.
On the date of initial publication of these Terms, Fees include a commission of 5% of the resale price on secondary sales of NFTs (Trinity and Unity NFTs) established by and payable to the Company ("Royalties").
Bubacz, Jr., “That we withdraw $300,000.00 from the FCCB Natural Energy Flex MMI, BMA Blossburg Water Company Royalties Account and invest into CD’s with C&N Bank.
L.-Stockholder, Hologic, Inc; Stockholder, Quan- titative Insights, Inc; Shareholder, QView Medical, Inc; Co-founder, Quantitative Insights, Inc; Royalties, Hologic, Inc; Royalties, General Electric Company; Royalties, MEDIAN Technologies; Royalties, Riverain Technologies, LLC; Royalties, Mitsubishi Corporation; Royalties, Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation Gilkeson, R.
P.-Consultant, General Electric Company; Royalties, Reed Elsevier; Royalties, Springer Nature; Investor, Althea Healthcare; Consultant, C.
A.-Research support, General Electric Company; Royalties, General Electric Company; Roy- alties, Koninklijke Philips NV; Royalties, Siemens AG Harris, G.
F.-Stockholder, ABIOMED, Inc; Stockholder, LeMaitre Vascular, Inc; Stockholder, Becton, Dickinson and Company; Royalties, Informa plc Kirsch, J.