Complex Trade definition
Examples of Complex Trade in a sentence
The member may correct the content of the following fields:• Field 40 (Complex Trade Component ID) – the member may use its own strategy identifier,• Field 57 (Investment Decision within Firm + ID Type),• Field 58 (Country of the Branch responsible for the Person making the Investment Decision),• Field 59 (Execution within Firm + ID Type),• Field 60 (Country of the Branch supervising the Person responsible for the Execution).
The Exchange seeks to make clear that the current definition of Complex Order in Rule 6.62(e) and Complex Trade in Rule 6.92(a)(4)(i) applies to both standard options and mini-options.
A Complex Trade Component ID (RTS 22) will be set on outbound Trade Capture Reports confirmations for trades originating from electronically matched combinations or multi-leg trade reports.
The member may correct the content of the following fields:• Field 40 (Complex Trade Component ID) – the member may use its own strategy identifier,• Field 57 (Investment Decision within Firm + ID Type), • Field 58 (Country of the Branch responsible for the Person making the Investment Decision),• Field 59 (Execution within Firm + ID Type),• Field 60 (Country of the Branch supervising the Person responsible for the Execution).
NYSE Arca believes that a uniform definition of Complex Trade will facilitate the best execution of complex orders and resolve potential trade-through liability issues by eliminating conflicting definitions among the participant exchanges.
The proposal does not address how NYSE MKT would treat an NDX or RUT combination order that is not a Complex Trade and therefore not permitted to trade through the NDX or RUT quotes of another options exchange.file that rebuttal by November 26, 2013.The Commission asks that commenters address the sufficiency and merit of the Exchange’s statements in support of the proposal, in addition to any other comments they may wish to submit about the proposed rule change.
Secondly, the Exchange proposes to include a certain limited type of synthetic option order in the definition of Complex Trade, to afford an exception from Trade- 9 See Exchange Rule 1085(b)(7).
Tied hedge transactions are subject to the existing NBBO trade-through requirements for options and stock, as applicable, and may qualify for various exceptions; however, when the option order is a simple order, the execution of the option leg of a tied hedge transaction does not qualify for the NBBO trade-through exception for a Complex Trade (defined in proposed Rule 7610(e)).
The Insured Person or the Policyholder on their behalf, shall contact the Insurer at the following contact details within 72 hours from the discovery of the incident to obtain a claims form and instruction; and American Home Assurance Company (Dubai Br.)The H Hotel – Complex, Trade Centre First, 27th Floor,P.O. Box 40569, Dubai, UAETel: +971 4 509 6111, Fax: +971 4 601 4018 2.
The member may correct the content of the following fields:▪ Field 7-15 (buyer details) or 16-24 (seller details),▪ Field 40 (Complex Trade Component ID) – the member may use its own strategy identifier,▪ Field 57 (Investment Decision within Firm + ID Type),▪ Field 58 (Country of the Branch responsible for the Person making the Investment Decision),▪ Field 59 (Execution within Firm + ID Type),▪ Field 60 (Country of the Branch supervising the Person responsible for the Execution).