Examples of Compliance Code of Conduct in a sentence
Program suspension may be imposed for program-related conduct that is deemed to be grossly unprofessional; incompetent; erratic; potentially criminal; noncompliant with the Compliance Code of Conduct, federal health care program requirements, Corporate Compliance Agreement, or University policies and procedures ("noncompliance"); or is threatening to the well-being of patients, other graduate medical trainees, faculty, or staff.
I do hereby attest that I am in receipt of, and have read and understand our Corporate Compliance Code of Conduct.
Here vanilla banks are considered as intermediaries2 between savers (lenders) and investors (borrowers).3 As intermediaries, they provide the important functions bringing benefits from economies of scale and overcoming the problems of asymmetric information and high search costs in financial markets that would prevent savers and investors from making contracts.
The Plan and Compliance Code of Conduct can be viewed at the County’s website: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xxx/.
The Audit Committee assists the Bank's governing bodies in the performance of their duties relating to the supervision of financial reporting, internal audit, internal control and compliance with legal and regulatory provisions as well as the Allianz Group Business Ethics and Compliance Code of Conduct (Ethical Code).
Basic stance toward information disclosureAdvocating ethics and fairness as one of the Corporate Guiding Principles in the Toray Philosophy, Toray Group has established the Ethics & Compliance Code of Conduct as specific provisions to be observed, and disclosed them on its website.
A Hospital Representative who questions the application or interpretation of the Corporate Compliance Code of Conduct must use the procedure specified in Section III.
Seek assistance and report any concerns to: Email: xxxxxx@xx.xxx Website: xxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxx/comply/ By my signature below, I attest that I have read the UW Medicine Compliance Code of Conduct and understand that I am personally responsible for upholding it.
On an annual basis all Hillside employees complete an Annual Update that reviews Hillside’s Corporate Compliance Policy, Plan and Corporate Compliance Code of Conduct.
These Guidelines are intended as a practical approach to “self-fulfillment through social contributions,” which is one of our corporate philosophies, and based on applicable laws and regulations within and outside of Japan, they serve the following roles: supplement the basic policy on internal control and the Nipro Compliance Code of Conduct in prohibiting behaviors such as illegal or unjust bribery to Public Officials, etc.