Ethics definition

Ethics means a set of principles governing the conduct of all persons governed by these rules.
Ethics means values, customs, rules or principles, which govern right conduct
Ethics means positive principles of conduct. Some ethical requirements are enforced by federal, state, or local law. Others rely on training, or on individuals’ desire to do the right thing. The provisions of this Chapter which are not elsewhere enforced by law shall be considered advisory only.

Examples of Ethics in a sentence

  • The Parties undertake to ensure that their auxiliaries, employees, and/or co-workers comply with regulations, rules, procedures and principles, where applicable, contained in their respective Codes of Ethics and Conduct.

  • The Contractor must conduct itself in a manner that does not invite, directly or indirectly, the Principal’s officers, employees or agents or any public sector employee (as defined in the Public Sector Act 2009) to behave unethically, to prefer private interests over the Principal’s interests or to otherwise contravene the Code of Ethics for the South Australian Public Sector.

  • Additionally, Provider agrees that: (a) it has submitted or will submit an online completed and accurate Continuing Education Provider Application; and (b) it will abide by ACE’s Continuing Education Provider Policies and Procedures and Code of Ethics, copies of which are available online on the ACE website.

  • Notwithstanding any determination by the Executive Ethics Board or other tribunal, the AGENCY may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to the CONSULTANT terminate this AGREEMENT if it is found after due notice and examination by the AGENCY that there is a violation of the Ethics in Public Service Act, Chapter 42.52 RCW; or any similar statute involving the CONSULTANT in the procurement of, or performance under, this AGREEMENT.

  • After receipt of the copy of the favorable opinion of the Ethics Committee ("EC"), FARAPULSE agrees to ship directly the agreed-upon number of FARAPULSE Endocardial Ablation Systems (“the Product”) to the relevant Parties (participating sites) on a free of charge basis pursuant to Sponsor’s reasonable instruction reflecting the terms of the Project.

More Definitions of Ethics

Ethics means a system of valued societal beliefs and behaviors that may be used to guide and evaluate conduct to ensure the protection of an individual's person and rights.
Ethics means values, customs, rules or principles, which govern right conduct “Gift” has meaning assigned to it in the Leadership and Integrity Regulations, 2015
Ethics means positive principles of conduct. Some ethical requirements are enforced by federal, state, or local law. Others rely on training, or on individuals’ desire to do the right thing. The provisions of this Chapter which are not elsewhere enforced by law shall be considered advisory only. 1.03.020 TrustThe purpose of City government is to serve the public. City officials treat their office as a public trust.A. The City’s powers and resources are used for the benefit of the public rather than any official’s personal benefit.B. City officials ensure public respect by avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.
Ethics means conduct that conforms to professional standards of conduct.
Ethics means the principles of conduct governing an individual or group.
Ethics means a set of principles governing the conduct of all persons governed by these rules. “Fraud” means knowingly providing false information or representations on an application for licensure or employment, or knowingly providing false information or
Ethics means a program of learning that provides students with a framework of ethical reasoning, professional values and attitudes for exercising professional skepticism and other behavior that is in the best interest of the public and profession. At a minimum, an ethics program should provide a foundation for ethical reasoning and the core values of integrity, objectivity and independence.