Examples of Compliance points in a sentence
Notes:-Findings- Area(s) of violation; point(s) issued.-Concerns- Area(s) of concern that could lead to potential findings; no points issued.-Expired Points- Compliance points expire 365 days after issuance.
Compliance points may be located at property boundaries or between a source and receptor (with departmental approval).
As the recent report from the National Council on Disability, Federal Monitoring and Enforcement of IDEA Compliance, points out, the “current system of monitoring and enforcement, while moving toward a more balanced approach of compliance and results, often fails to address noncompliance in a timely and effective manner, and utilize all of the options available to address issues.”2Our comments focus on two key elements.
Compliance points are also often determined just upstream of major changes in flow or assimilative capacity.• EXAMPLE: Where a significant tributary joins a stream; or where a permittee’s discharge significantly changes the flow or the concentration of the pollutant of concern.
Compliance points for all other electrical signals are at comparable points at the host card edge connector.5.1 Electrical ConnectorFigure 5-1 shows the signal symbols and pad numbering for the module edge connector.
Compliance points are shown, along with TCE groundwater plumes, on Figures 10‐2 for the Upper Saturated Zone and on Figure 10‐3 for the Lower Saturated Zone.
Monthly MCO Compliance Report | 7/21/2023*All listed point infractions are pending until the expiration of the 15-day comment period.Notes:Findings – Area(s) of violation; point(s) issued.Concerns – Area(s) of concern that could lead to potential findings; no points issued.Expired Points – Compliance points expire 365 days after issuance.
The article points out that, “from an auditor’s standpoint, you don’t know how much work was actually done.” • Reed Gelzer, MD, MPH, co-founder of the Advocates for Documentation Integrity and Compliance, points out that, “Overwriting (cloning) misrepresents who provided the service, which could alter the amount billed.
Monthly MCO Compliance Report | 4/19/2023*All listed point infractions are pending until the expiration of the 15-day comment period.Notes:Findings – Area(s) of violation; point(s) issued.Concerns – Area(s) of concern that could lead to potential findings; no points issued.Expired Points – Compliance points expire 365 days after issuance.
Monthly MCO Compliance Report | 2/15/2022*All listed point infractions are pending until the expiration of the 15-day comment period.Notes:-Findings- Area(s) of violation; point(s) issued.-Concerns- Area(s) of concern that could lead to potential findings; no points issued.-Expired Points- Compliance points expire 365 days after issuance.