Compounded Index definition

Examples of Compounded Index in a sentence

  • If the manner in which SONIA and/or the SONIA Compounded Index is calculated is changed, that change may result in a reduction of the amount of interest payable on the relevant Floating Rate Notes and the trading prices of such Notes.

  • Such alternative methods may result in interest payments that are lower than, or do not otherwise correlate over time with, the payments that would have been made on such Floating Rate Notes if SONIA and/or the SONIA Compounded Index had been provided by the Bank of England in its current form.

  • As SONIA and the SONIA Compounded Index are published by the Bank of England based on data from other sources, the Issuer has no control over their determination, calculation or publication.

  • These disclosures are provided throughout these financial statements, in particular in note to the financial statements.The amendment to HKAS 1 introduces additional disclosure requirements to provide information about the level of capital and the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for managing capital.

  • In the event that the SONIA Compounded Index value originally published by the administrator of SONIA on or about 9:00 a.m. (London Time) on any London Banking Day is subsequently corrected and such corrected value is published by the administrator of SONIA on the original date of publication, then such corrected value, instead of the value that was originally published, shall be deemed the SONIA Compounded Index value.

More Definitions of Compounded Index

Compounded Index means either (i) the SONIA Compounded Index where the "SONIA" is specified as the Reference Rate in the applicable Final Terms or (ii) the SOFR Compounded Index where the "SOFR" is specified as the Reference Rate in the applicable Final Terms;
Compounded Index means SONIA Compounded Index;
Compounded Index means either the SONIA Compounded Index or the SOFR Compounded Index, as specified hereon;
Compounded Index means (i) where “SONIA” is specified in the applicable Final Terms as the relevant Reference Rate, SONIA Compounded Index; or (ii) where “SOFR” is specified in the applicable Final Terms as the relevant Reference Rate, SOFR Compounded Index;