Computational period means the interval between scheduled due dates of installments under the transaction if the intervals are substantially equal or, if the intervals are not substantially equal, one month if the smallest interval between the scheduled due dates of installments under the transaction is one month or more, and otherwise one week.
Computational period means one month if one-half or more of the intervals between scheduled payments under the agreement is one month or more and otherwise means one week.
Computational period means the interval between scheduled
Examples of Computational period in a sentence
Computational period" means the interval between scheduled due dates of instalments under the transaction if the intervals are substantially equal, or if the intervals are not substantially equal, one month if the smallest interval between the scheduled due dates of instalments under the transaction is one month or more, and otherwise one week.[PL 1975, c.
F o r t h is p ur- pose, bid an d a s k ed q u o t a t io n s ar e n o t t a k e n i n t o a cco un t .(iv ) Computational period.
F o r t h i s p ur- pose, bid a n d a s k ed q u o t a t io n s a r e n o t t a k e n i n t o a cco un t .(iv ) Computational period.
More Definitions of Computational period
Computational period means the interval between scheduled due dates of installments u substantially equal, one month if the smallest interval between the scheduled due dates of installm
Computational period means the interval between scheduled due dates of installments under the transaction if the intervals are substantially equal or, if the intervals