Computer services means providing services consisting of specifying computer hardware configurations and evaluating technical processing characteristics, computer programming, and training of computer programmers and operators, provided in conjunction with and to support the sale, lease, or operation of taxable computer equipment or systems.
Computer network means the interconnection of hardwire or wireless communication lines with a computer through remote terminals, or a complex consisting of 2 or more interconnected computers.
Alternative energy technology means equipment, component parts, materials, electronic devices, testing equipment, and related systems that are specifically designed, specifically fabricated, and used primarily for 1 or more of the following:
Information Technologies means all information processing and communications-related hardware, Software, supplies, and consumable items that the Supplier is required to supply and install under the Contract.
Computer Virus means a set of corrupting, harmful or otherwise unauthorized instructions or code including a set of maliciously introduced unauthorized instructions or code, programmatic or otherwise, that propagate themselves through a computer system or network of whatsoever nature. “Computer Virus” includes, but is not limited to, “Trojan Horses,” “worms” and “time or logic bombs”.
Interactive computer service means any information service, system, or access software provider that provides or enables computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including a service or system that provides access to the Internet and such systems operated or services offered by government, libraries, or educational institutions.
Transverse plane means a vertical plane perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle;
Computer software means computer programs, source code, source code listings, object code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulae, and related material that would enable the software to be reproduced, recreated, or recompiled. Computer software does not include computer databases or computer software documentation.
Computer Systems means all computer hardware, peripheral equipment, software and firmware, technology infrastructure and other computer systems and services that are used by the Company to receive, store, process or transmit data.
Commercial computer software means software developed or regularly used for non-governmental purposes which—
small and medium-sized enterprises or ‘SMEs’ means micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Article 2 of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC;
Information Technology Resources means agency budgetary resources, personnel, equipment, facilities, or services that are primarily used in the management, operation, acquisition, disposition, and transformation, or other activity related to the lifecycle of information technology; acquisitions or interagency agreements that include information technology and the services or equipment provided by such acquisitions or interagency agreements; but does not include grants to third parties which establish or support information technology not operated directly by the Federal Government. (0MB M-15-14)
Business Systems means all Software, computer hardware (whether general or special purpose), electronic data processing, information, record keeping, communications, telecommunications, networks, interfaces, platforms, servers, peripherals, and computer systems, including any outsourced systems and processes, that are owned or used or held for use in the conduct of the Company Business.
Restricted computer software means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret, is commercial or financial and confidential or privileged, or is copyrighted computer software, including minor modifications of the computer software.
Solutions means the Component Systems, Documentation, Custom Modifications, development work, CentralSquare Systems and any and all other information, data, documents, materials, works, and other content, devices, methods, processes, hardware, software, technologies and inventions, including any deliverables, technical or functional descriptions, requirements, plans, or reports, provided or used by CentralSquare or any Subcontractor in connection with Professional Services or Support Services rendered under this Agreement.
Company Systems means all information technology and computer systems (including computer software, information technology and telecommunication hardware and other equipment) relating to the generation, transmission, storage, maintenance or processing of data and information, whether or not in electronic form, used in the conduct of the business of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.
Brands means the Sprint PCS Brands and the Sprint Brands.
Information technology services means services designed to do any of the following:
Noncommercial computer software means software that does not qualify as commercial computer software under paragraph (a)(1) of this clause.
Data Services The Customer will receive a discount equal to 25% for the following Data Services: Access: Standard VBS2 Guide local loop charges for DS-1 Access and DS-3 Access Service.
Networks the Local Area Network, network equipment, computer systems, and local cable infrastructure, at the Sites, to which the Service will be connected.
Information Technology (IT means data processing, telecommunications, and office systems technologies and services:
NEC Electronics as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries.
Biometrics means a technique of personal identification that is based on physical, physiological or behavioural characterisation including blood typing, fingerprinting, DNA analysis, retinal scanning and voice recognition;
Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.
Family farm corporation means a corporation founded for the purpose of farming agricultural land in which the majority of the voting stock is held by and the majority of the stockholders are persons or the spouse of persons related to each other within the fourth degree of kinship, according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are a corporation. A family farm corporation does not cease to qualify under this division where, by reason of any devise, bequest, or the operation of the laws of descent or distribution, the ownership of shares of voting stock is transferred to another person, as long as that person is within the degree of kinship stipulated in this division.