Bathroom and tile cleaner means a product designed or labeled to clean tile or surfaces in bathrooms. “Bathroom and Tile Cleaner” does not include “Toilet/Urinal Care Product.”
Copper Loop is a stand-alone local loop comprised entirely of copper wire or cable. Copper Loops include two-wire and four-wire analog voice-grade copper Loops, digital copper Loops (e.g., DS0s and integrated services digital network lines), as well as two-wire and four-wire copper Loops conditioned to transmit the digital signals needed to provide digital subscriber line services, regardless of whether the copper Loops are in service or held as spares. The copper Loop includes attached electronics using time division multiplexing technology, but does not include packet switching capabilities.
Edge of any water means the outer edge of the water's bankfull width or, where applicable, the outer edge of the associated channel migration zone.
Sandwich Board Sign means a temporary sign made of metal, wood, chalkboard, or white board that is not permanently attached to the ground and generally oriented to pedestrians.
Basecoat means a coat of colored material, usually opaque, that is applied before graining inks, glazing coats, or other opaque finishing materials and is usually topcoated for protection.
M2M Flowgate means Flowgates where constraints are jointly monitored and coordinated as defined and set forth in Schedule D to this Agreement.
Green building strategies means those strategies that minimize the impact of development on the environment, and enhance the health, safety and well-being of residents by producing durable, low-maintenance, resource-efficient housing while making optimum use of existing infrastructure and community services.
Hood means a respiratory inlet covering that completely covers the head and neck and may also cover portions of the shoulders and torso.
Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;
Ash means all species of the genus Fraxinus.
Uppermost aquifer means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.
Drywell means an unlined or partially lined underground pit (regardless of geometry) into which drainage from roofs, basement floors, water softeners or other non-wastewater sources is discharged and from which the liquid seeps into the surrounding soil.
apartment building means a residential use building, or the residential use portion of a mixed-use building, other than a townhouse or stacked townhouse containing four or more dwelling units each of which shall have access to above grade common halls, stairs, elevators, and yards;
Soft drinks means nonalcoholic beverages that contain natural or artificial sweeteners. "Soft drinks" does not include beverages that contain milk or milk products, soy, rice, or similar milk substitutes, or that contains greater than fifty per cent vegetable or fruit juice by volume.
Rear Yard means a yard extending across the full width of a parcel measured perpendicularly from the rear wall(s) of the main building situated on the parcel to the rear property boundary of the parcel [see sketch in Schedule B];
Junkyard means an establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated or used for storing, keeping, buying or selling junk, or for the maintenance or operation of an automobile graveyard, including garbage dumps and sanitary fills.
Craft distillery means a distillery that pays the reduced
Freeboard means a factor of safety usually expressed in feet above a flood level for purposes of floodplain management. "Freeboard" tends to compensate for the many unknown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and floodway conditions, such as wave action, blockage of bridge or culvert openings, and the hydrological effect of urbanization of the watershed.
Crane means any self-propelled vehicle to which has been permanently mounted or attached any crane, whether or not such vehicle was originally a truck, tractor, or other type of motor vehicle or was designed and built as a complete crane unit. However, the word "crane," as herein defined, shall not be construed to mean any truck or other vehicle equipped with or to which has been affixed any device used for the purpose of providing a means for towing other vehicles.
E-cigarette means any electronic oral device, such as one composed of a heating element and battery or electronic circuit, or both, which provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substances, and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, and e-pipe or under any other product, name, or descriptor.
Brush means vegetation with stems less than six (6) inches diameter at breast height.
Ozone season means the period of time beginning May 1 of a year and ending on September 30 of the same year, inclusive.
Polystyrene foam adhesive means an aerosol adhesive designed to bond polystyrene foam to substrates.
Senior citizen center means a facility having the primary purpose of providing services to the aged as defined in Section 62A-3-101.
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
MECOD refers to the Multiple Exchange Carriers Ordering and Design Guidelines for Access Services - Industry Support Interface, a document developed by the Ordering/Provisioning Committee of the OBF, which functions under the auspices of the CLC of ATIS. The MECOD document, published by ATIS as ATIS/OBF- MECAB- Issue 3, February 1993, establishes methods for processing orders for access service which is to be provided to an IXC by two or more telecommunications providers.