MECOD definition
Examples of MECOD in a sentence
The Company accepts and adheres to the Ordering and Billing Forum guidelines, Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB) and Multiple Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design (MECOD).
The Parties will use industry standards developed and routing based on the LERG to handle the Provisioning and Billing of Jointly Provided Switched Access (MECAB, MECOD, and the Parties' FCC and state access Tariffs).
The MECOD document, published by ATIS as ATIS/OBF- MECAB-Issue 3, February 1993, establishes methods for processing orders for access service which is to be provided to an IXC by two (2) or more telecommunications providers.
Qwest will provide the operational, technical and administrative support required in the planning, Provisioning and maintenance involved in the joint access Provisioning process to the IXCs. Qwest will be unable to fulfill the role of ASC if CLEC does not fully comply with MECOD requirements, including filing CLEC's End Office Switches and billed percentages (BPs) in the NECA 4 Tariff.
CenturyLink will provide the operational, technical and administrative support required in the planning, Provisioning and maintenance involved in the joint access Provisioning process to the IXCs. CenturyLink will be unable to fulfill the role of ASC if CLEC does not fully comply with MECOD requirements, including filing CLEC's End Office Switches and billed percentages (BPs) in the NECA 4 Tariff.