Examples of Conditions of competition in a sentence
Given under my hand and seal of office this 11th day of August, A.D., 2021.
U.S. market characteristics ‐1U.S. purchasers ‐1Channels of distribution ‐1Geographic distribution ‐2Supply and demand considerations ‐3U.S. supply ‐3U.S. demand ‐6CONTENTSPart II: Conditions of competition in the U.S. market‐‐ContinuedPageSubstitutability issues ‐8Lead times ‐8Knowledge of country sources ‐8Factors affecting purchasing decisions.
Conditions of competition Import volumes increased from all countries concerned, except from Ukraine which maintained its imports on a high level over the period considered.
Conditions of competition are similar in the different member States There is intensive trade among Community the Member States.
Conditions of competition in the marketsIn the segment of vehicles, the consumption behavior is especially influenced by the macro- economical conditions (inflation, level of per capita income, level of employment) and variation of the loss index (robberies, thefts, etc.).
I-16CONTENTSPage Part II: Conditions of competition in the U.S. market I-1U.S. market characteristics.......................................................................................................
Conditions of competition between imports of the investigated product and the domestic like product are discussed in detail in paragraphs 34 to 42 infra.
Conditions of competition would continue to be harmonised through a parallel initiative on mandatory road charging.
Conditions of competition in the marketsIn the housing segment, the consumption behavior is especially influenced by macroeconomical conditions (inflations, level of per capita income, level of employment, and interest rate), and by guidelines of the governmental policy to the real estate credit, since the housing insurance, legally, shall be commercialized together with the contracting of the operation of real estate funding.
Hence, changes in pattern of consumption have not caused injury to the Domestic Industry.d) Conditions of competition and trade restrictive practices92.