Connected Bidder definition

Connected Bidder means a Bidder that has a Connection to another Bidder;
Connected Bidder means a Bidder that is closely connected to another Bidder and, for these purposes, a Bidder (Bidder A) is a Connected Bidder in relation to another Bidder (Bidder B) if:

Examples of Connected Bidder in a sentence

  • Any Bidder failing to satisfy the Authority that it is not a Connected Bidder in relation to another Bidder will not be eligible as a Qualified Bidder.

  • Please also indicate which of the parties provided pursuant to 4 i) and ii) above are Insiders to the Bidder.The information provided pursuant to 4 i) and ii) above will be disclosed to other Bidders to assist each of the Bidders to assess whether it is a Connected Bidder in relation to another Bidder.

  • Not only would the announcement of the Bidders’ identities provide important information for Bidders to make the Connected Bidder Statutory Declaration, it would also help prevent market speculation.

  • P r io r i t y s h o u ld be give n t o t h ose co un t r ies w h ic h c a n m a k e t h e m os t r a t io n a l a n d p r od u c t ive u se of s u c h a id, hu m a n i t a r i a n co n s ide r a t io n s a s ide un de r co n di t io n s of fa m i n e a n d n a t ur a l dis a s t e r s.

  • D.3.2 A Connected Bidder refers to a Bidder that has a Connection to another Bidder.

  • Ms. Lally also complained because she is the property owner of 1 George Street and she said she was never cited.

  • ComReg may permit the withdrawal of Applications, without forfeiture or partial forfeiture ofDeposits, up to the time that ComReg has completed its assessment of Applications and announced that the Award Process will progress to the Main Stage, the Assignment Stage or to the Notification & Grant Stage, as the results of the Qualification Stage may require, in order to resolve any issues which may arise such as Connected Bidder issues.

  • The Authority will specify a date by which each Bidder must notify the Authority whether it is a Connected Bidder by submitting a Connected Bidder Statutory Declaration.

  • Please also indicate which of the parties provided pursuant to B.4 (a) and (b) above are Insiders to the Bidder.The information provided pursuant to B.4 (a) and (b) above will be disclosed to other Bidders to assist each of the Bidders to assess whether it is a Connected Bidder in relation to another Bidder.

  • The Authority may disclose such information contained in the Applications of the Bidders as it considers necessary for each of the Bidders to assess whether it is a Connected Bidder in relation to another Bidder.

Related to Connected Bidder

  • Selected Bidder or “Successful Bidder” shall mean the Bidder selected pursuant to this RfS to set up the Project and supply electrical output as per the terms of standard PPA.

  • Interested Bidder means any person or persons who have submitted the Request Letter for Participation along with signed Bid Form, notarized affidavit, signed Declaration, requisite Earnest Money and other necessary documents to complete the eligibility check formalities to the satisfaction of the Liquidator.

  • Designated Bidder means (a) an Eligible Assignee or (b) a special purpose corporation that is engaged in making, purchasing or otherwise investing in commercial loans in the ordinary course of its business and that issues (or the parent of which issues) commercial paper rated at least "Prime-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by Xxxxx'x or "A-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by S&P that, in the case of either clause (a) or (b), (i) is organized under the laws of the United States or any State thereof, (ii) shall have become a party hereto pursuant to Section 8.07(d), (e) and (f) and (iii) is not otherwise a Lender.

  • Qualified Bidder As defined in Section 7.01(c).

  • Permitted Bid means a Take-over Bid made by an Offeror by way of take-over bid circular which also complies with the following additional provisions:

  • Selected Bidder or Successful Bidder means the Bidder selected pursuant to this RfS to set up the Project and supply electrical output as per the terms of PPA.

  • Submitted Bid has the meaning specified in Section 11.10(d)(i) below.

  • Competing Permitted Bid means a Take-over Bid that:

  • Qualified Bidder(s means a Bidder who fulfills the eligibility criteria listed out in the E-Auction Process Information Document.

  • Supplier/ Successful or Selected bidder means the person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Purchaser and is named as such in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assigns of the successful/ selected bidder.

  • Successful Bidder As defined in Section 7.01(c).

  • Bidder means the legal entity which submits a Bid for consideration by City in accordance with the Invitation For Bid.

  • Tenderer/Bidder means any persons, partnership firm or company submitting a sum or sums in the Bills of Quantities in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract Parts I and II, Specifications, Drawings and Bills of Quantities for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a legally appointed representative.

  • Competitive Sealed Bidding means the competitive process described within an Invitation for Bids, wherein the City invites Offerors to submit bids to supply the City with the Goods and/or Service describes in the Solicitation document, where the City will award the resulting contract to the responsible Offeror submitting the low responsive bid.

  • BC Bid means the BC Bid website located at;

  • Proposal / Bid means the technical proposal and the commercial/financial proposal.

  • Highest Bidder means the Bidder, who quotes the highest License Fees

  • Competing Transaction has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(n).

  • Competitive bidding means a transparent process for procurement of equipment, services and works in which bids are invited by the project developer by open advertisement covering the scope and specifications of the equipment, services and works required for the project, and the terms and conditions of the proposed contract as well as the criteria by which bids shall be evaluated, and shall include domestic competitive bidding and international competitive bidding;

  • Successful Bidder(s) means the bidder(s) to whom work in this tender is awarded.

  • Winning Bidder With respect to a Successful Auction, the Qualified Bidder that bids the highest price.

  • Open Competitive Bidding means a fair and transparent specified procedure defined under these Rules, advertised in the prescribed manner, leading to the award of a contract whereby all interested persons, firms, companies or organizations may bid for the contract and includes both National and International Competitive Biddings;

  • Bidder/Bidding Company means Bidding Company submitting the Bid. Any reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company / including its successors, executors and permitted assigns as the context may require;

  • Buy Bid means a bid to buy Capacity Resources in any Incremental Auction.

  • Unsolicited proposal means a written proposal for a public-private initiative that is submitted by a private entity for the purpose of entering into an agreement with the department but that is not in response to a formal solicitation or request issued by the department.

  • Competing Offer means a Tender Offer for Units which (i) is Commenced prior to the expiration of the Offer by a Person that is not an Affiliate (or in the case of Waltxx Xxxeet, as to its Associates only) of any Partner and (ii) has a cash purchase price per Unit that is at least 2% (10% with respect to the first Competing Offer made following the Offer by the Partnership)