Examples of Conservation species in a sentence
These areas remain relatively undisturbed by management activities, except for those designed to protect or maintain PETS species or habitat for Conservation species.
Information Sources: PETS lists, Conservation species list, Partners in Flight at risk rankings for Neotropical Migrant Birds on the Northern Cumberland Plateau, and other local or landscape species concerns.
Permit site-specific vegetative manipulation only when its purpose and need is to improve or sustain habitat for PETS species or habitat for Conservation species.
Exceptionally high native flora Co-efficient of Conservation rating (4.61), with 63 high- rated Coefficient of Conservation species;- minor recreational impact informal trail along abandoned roadway on East Island and along informal pathways off causeway access road to public park;- lowland flooding (water level raised 1.5 m) since 1960 by construction of Carillon Dam;- flood-bourn litter and residential garbage along high-water mark throughout.
It is recognised that as the site is adjacent to TBG, a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, species selection will be important.Consequently, all detailed soft landscape proposals will be developed to reflect this and reviewed with an ecologist.Means of EnclosureAn assessment of the risks has concluded that there is a need to prevent unauthorised vehicular access into the site and therefore lockable bollards are proposed at the entrance with fixed bollards along the remainder of the perimeter.
Disturbances can adversely affect rare species (PETS and Conservation species) more so than non-rare species (most of the NFGT’s MIS, non-game species, and game species) because of rare species’ narrower ecological niches; rare species do not adapt as well as more common species with broader ecological niches.
Victoria, B.C. 2003.marten.20 Conservation species that are coarse woody debris dependent include northwestern salamander and spotted frog.
Although some of the current element occurrences are found within heavily shaded areas it is noted that the most robust plants occur in areas with more sunlight and there is some information suggesting that fire exclusion has degraded these habitats (Center for Plant Conservation, species profile 2010).
DBCA’s Threatened and Priority Fauna database returned numerous Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo records (39), Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo records (426) and Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (10) in the near vicinity (5 km radius) of the Study Area (Figure 3.1).Table 3.1 Conservation species previously recorded within 12 km of the Study Area based on database searches.
Dispersed recreation (e.g., hiking, rock climbing, rappelling, bouldering, and camping) is generally allowed, unless adverse impacts to PETS species, habitat for Conservation species, or heritage resources listed or potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, cannot be mitigated.