Covered Species definition
Examples of Covered Species in a sentence
Emergency situations arising from natural disasters (e.g., wildfire, earthquake, or hurricanes) or posing human health concerns (such as emergency repairs to water or wastewater facilities) may require the rapid initiation of certain actions that may result in the Incidental Take of the Covered Species.
The Parties estimate the Incidental Take of Covered Species within the Other Areas over the term of this Agreement as described in Sections 13.2.1 to 13.2.4 of this Agreement.
The biological goal is to provide a Net Conservation Benefit to the Covered Species by expanding their distribution through creating and maintaining new habitat that is free of threats from ungulates and nonnative fish.
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, nothing in this Agreement authorizes the Incidental Take or purposeful take of Covered Species other than Damselfly in Other Areas.
If these actions are likely to result in Take of Covered Species, Pūlama Lānaʻi will notify the Service and DLNR within five (5) working days of such a situation occurring and will allow entry of personnel and equipment and make other reasonable accommodations to the Service and/or DLNR in the Conservation Area for survey and/or relocation of Covered Species.