Consumer good definition

Consumer good means an item that you have purchased or leased and for which you have signed a financing agreement.
Consumer good means a product or commodity used by a business that is packaged in a form similar to a consumer commodity.
Consumer good means an item of personal

Examples of Consumer good in a sentence

  • Based on this, this study hypothesizes that:H4: Consumer good types moderate the effect of (a) perceived goal impediment, (b) perceived ad irrelevancy, and (c) prior negative experience on online personalized ad avoidance.

  • We conclude that the sectors which respond the most towards favorable political news, ie, increase in volatility, have low β, such as TUNINDEX, Consumer good index and Construction and building care items index.

  • This study sought to establish the Influence of promotion strategies on performance of Fast Moving Consumer good industry in Nairobi County, Kenya.

  • This study sought to find out the Influence of promotion strategies on performance of Fast Moving Consumer good industry in Nairobi County, Kenya.

  • For further information beyond what is stated in this report, as well as questions or connections between the companies, organizations and conferences listed in this report, please contact Deborah Bar-nissim, which is in charge on the sectors of Life Science, Automotive, Advanced Manufacturing, Consumer good and Investments.

  • The ISNM Technology as described in the technical fact sheet and summarized in section 1.2.1 can be categorized as a typical Market - Consumer good.

  • Consumer good competitors:In this part consumer good competitors are described.

  • Buyer and Seller may be referred to herein collectively as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” RECITALS WHEREAS, Buyer is interested in acquiring from Seller the Assets (as defined in Section 2.1 below) related to ketamine (the “Product”) licensed to Seller pursuant to that certain Exclusive License Agreement made effective on December 12, 2013 by and between Stuart Weg, MD (“ Dr. Weg”) and Seller (the “Weg Agreement”).

  • The term "Merchant" means any person who offers a Consumer good or service and accepts orders directly from Consumers.

  • Consumer good producers then mine this stock of new product concepts and prototypes as a free input to their own product development efforts.

More Definitions of Consumer good

Consumer good means a good which is ordinarily intended for private use or consumption, not being–
Consumer good means any article that is purchased, leased, exchanged or received primarily for personal, family or household purposes;

Related to Consumer good

  • Consumer product means a chemically formulated product used by household and institutional consumers including, but not limited to, detergents; cleaning compounds; polishes; floor finishes; cosmetics; personal care products; home, lawn, and garden products; disinfectants; sanitizers; aerosol paints; and automotive specialty products; but does not include other paint products, furniture coatings, or architectural coatings. As used in this article, the term “consumer product” shall also refer to aerosol adhesives, including aerosol adhesives used for consumer, industrial, and commercial uses.

  • Consumer loan means a loan to one or more individuals for household, fam- ily, or other personal expenditures. A consumer loan does not include a home mortgage, small business, or small farm loan. Consumer loans include the following categories of loans:

  • Consumer advocate means the consumer advocate referred to in Iowa Code chapter 475A.

  • Consumer transaction means a transaction in which (i) an individual incurs an obligation primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, (ii) a security interest secures the obligation, and (iii) the collateral is held or acquired primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. The term includes consumer-goods transactions.

  • Perishable goods means personal property maintained under controlled conditions for its preservation, and susceptible to loss or damage if the controlled conditions change.

  • Consumer Information Any personally identifiable information in any form (written electronic or otherwise) relating to a Mortgagor, including, but not limited to: a Mortgagor’s name, address, telephone number, Mortgage Loan number, Mortgage Loan payment history, delinquency status, insurance carrier or payment information, tax amount or payment information; the fact that the Mortgagor has a relationship with the Seller or Servicer or the originator of the related Mortgage Loan; and any other non-public personally identifiable information.

  • Consumer lease means a lease that a lessor regularly engaged in the business of leasing or selling makes to a lessee who is an individual and who takes under the lease primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose, if the total payments to be made under the lease contract, excluding payments for options to renew or buy, do not exceed $25,000.00.

  • Consumer Price Index means the Consumer Price Index for