Consumer lease definition
Examples of Consumer lease in a sentence
Consumer lease information in advertisements is available to the public.
Consumer lease" means a lease of goods to a consumer by a lessor for personal, family or household purposes, which is for a term exceeding 4 months and which is not made pursuant to a lender credit card.
Consumer lease providers are currently required to disclose the total amount of rental payable on a consumer the lease1.
C148716, C139043, C138999, C138324, C138085, C144889, C138850, C149250,C148247, C150556, C150562, C149254, C150560 Consumer lease providers are given access to vulnerable consumers through Centrepay Financial Rights speak to many consumers who call us because they cannot afford essential expenses such as rent and energy.
Consumer lease providers routinely charged higher rates to Centrelink recipients, as this was the customer segment identified as likely to pay the higher price, despite having lower incomes and being more financially vulnerable.