Examples of Contaminated Property in a sentence
Title to Contaminated Property should not be acquired, and businesses that use Hazardous Substances or are located on Contaminated Property should not be taken over, unless despite the risk of incurring liability as an owner or operator, a prudent lender would do so based on the estimated net recovery.
Lenders must obtain SBA’s prior written consent before taking title to Contaminated Property or taking over the operation of a business that uses Hazardous Substances or is located on Contaminated Property regardless of whether the Borrower owns the Property.
A summary of the department's brownfield-related efforts and activities within the Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development established pursuant to subsections (a) to (f), inclusive, of section 32-9cc in the preceding state fiscal year, except for activity under the Special Contaminated Property Remediation and Insurance Fund program.
The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) jointly administer the new Special Contaminated Property Remediation and Insurance Fund (SCPRIF).
Contaminated Property Equipment/supplies that have been exposed to toxic or radioactive materials, chemicals or other waste products which render them unsafe for use.