Examples of Contract for printing in a sentence
SECTION – IVTERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The following are the General Conditions of Contract for printing & supply of Shikshanavarthe monthly educational magazine during the year 2019-20 (April 2019 to March 2020).
The Association will prepare the final copy of the Master Contract for printing.
Sealed Tenders are invited from the Printers, who are based in Maharashtra for entering into Annual Rate Contract for printing various jobs and other publications of the Institute in English or / and Hindi as per schedule attached for a period of One Year from the date of award of the rate contract subject to renewal on an annual basis on satisfactory services of the awardees.
SECTION – IV TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The following are the General Conditions of Contract for printing and supply Prasthutha Suddi Wall Magazine & F.O.R. destination to the educational blocks and State Project Office, Bangalore as per the specifications given in the document.
The total budget for this consultancy is €144,625, broken down as follows: • Marketing Consultant Fee: €42,000 (150 man days of work over an 8 month period)• Contract for printing production and other related costs for marketing the HA Programme: €100,000• Contingency reserve: €2,625 Details of disbursement will be discussed and agreed to with the contracted party.
Tender Notice No.Name of WorkEstimated Cost in Rs. (IncludingGST)EMDTender Fee in Rs.(Non-Refundable)Time Limit 55/2021Annual Rate Contract for printing and supply of B&W Print, Colour Print, & Scanning etc.
Quotation: Rate Contract for printing of Manuals, Log Books/Books and Hard Binding/Spiral Binding at MBB Airport, Agartala.
To: (Name and address of Indenter) Gentlemen: Having examined the tender documents including all Annexures the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to Contract for printing and supply of publication “Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12”.
SECTION – IV TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The following are the General Conditions of Contract for printing and supply GODETHERU monthly educational wall magazine & F.O.R. destination to all the educational blocks of the state, O/0 the comissioner for Public Instruction, Bangalore, and the State Project Office, SSA, Bangalore as per the specifications given in the document.
Interestingly, mean redshifts for each field are quite different and are equal to 1.25 and 0.92 in Field 1 (LL1) and Field 2 (LL2) respectively.