Template Order Form definition

Template Order Form means the template form in Annex 1 to Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off terms);
Template Order Form means the template order form in Annex 1 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms);
Template Order Form means the template form in Annex 1 to Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off terms); Tender means the tender submitted by the Supplier to the Authority on 02/06/2014, a copy of which is set out in Framework Schedule 20 (Tender);

Examples of Template Order Form in a sentence

  • Subject to paragraphs 1 to 5 above, a Contracting Body may award a Call Off Contract with the Supplier by sending (including electronically) a signed order form substantially in the form (as as may be amended or refined by the Contracting Body in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2 above) of the Template Order Form set out in Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms).

  • The Management Charge shall apply to the full Charges as specified in each and every Call Off Agreement and shall not be varied as a result of any discount or any reduction in the Charges due to the application of any Service Credits (as defined in Annex 2 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off terms) and/or any other deductions made under any Call Off Agreement.

  • If the Customer requires the assistance of the Supplier to fill in certain sections of the Template Order Form this will be agreed between the parties.

  • If the Customer requires the assistance of the Supplier to fill in certain sections of the Template Order Form and Template Terms and Conditions prior to those becoming the Legal Services Contract, this will be agreed between the Parties.

  • Please insert the estimated amount for Year 1 Call Off Contract charges in this section of the Template Order Form.

More Definitions of Template Order Form

Template Order Form means the template form in Annex 1 to DMP Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Contract terms);
Template Order Form means the template order form in Annex 1 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms); Tender means the tender submitted by the Supplier to the Authority on [insert date dd/mm/yyyy] and annexed to Framework Schedule 20 (Tender); [Guidance Note: Customer to complete] Test and Testing means any tests required to be carried out pursuant to this Call Off Contract as set out in the Test Strategy Plan or elsewhere in this Call Off Contract and Tested shall be construed accordingly; Test Issue means any variance or non-conformity of the Services or Deliverables from their requirements as set out in this Call Off Contract;
Template Order Form means the template form in Annex 1 to DPS Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Contract Terms);
Template Order Form means the template form in Part 1 of Framework
Template Order Form means any information, however it is conveyed, that relates to the business, affairs, developments, trade secrets, IPR, personnel and suppliers of the Supplier, together with information derived from the foregoing, and any other information clearly designated as being confidential or which ought reasonably to be considered as confidential (whether or not it is marked as being confidential); means the template terms and conditions in Part 2 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call-Off terms); means the template form in Part 1 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call-Off terms);
Template Order Form means the template form in Part 1 of Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off Terms); “Tender” means the tender submitted by the Supplier to the Authority on 24/03/2014[insert date dd/mm/yyyy] and annexed to Framework Schedule 17; [Guidance Note: Customer to complete] “Tests” and “Testing” means any tests required to be carried out pursuant to this Call Off Contract as set out in the Test Plan or elsewhere in the Call Off Contract; “Test Issue” means any variance or non-conformity of the Services or Deliverables from their requirements as set out in the Call Off Contract; “Test Plan” means a plan for the Testing of the Deliverables and other agreed criteria related to the achievement of Milestones as described further in paragraph 9 of Call Off Schedule 6 (Testing); “Test Strategy” means a strategy for the conduct of Testing as described further in paragraph 3 of Call Off Schedule 4 (Testing); “Unauthorised Use” means any use or attempted use of any Fuel Card which: breaches any limits on the usage of the Fuel Card stipulated in or under this Call Off Contract and/or Framework Agreement; and/or otherwise breaches the terms of: (i) this Call Off Contract; or (ii) the Framework Agreement; “User Agreement” means the user agreement set out in Annex A of the Order Form; “Variation” has the meaning given in Clause 46.1; “Variation Procedure” means the procedure set out in Clause 46; “VAT” means value added tax in accordance with the provisions of the Value Added Tax Act 1994; and “Working Day” means any Day other than a Saturday or Sunday or public holiday in England and Wales. No of Order Form being varied: …………………………………………………………………… Variation Form No: …………………………………………………………………………………… BETWEEN: [insert name of Customer] ("the Customer") and [insert name of Supplier] ("the Supplier") The Call Off Contract is varied as follows and shall take effect on the date signed by both Parties:
Template Order Form means the template form in Annex 1 to Framework Schedule 4 (Template Order Form and Template Call Off terms); "Tender" means the tender submitted by the Supplier to the Authority on [insert date dd/mm/yyyy], a copy of which is set out in Framework Schedule 15 (Tender); "Termination Notice" means a written notice of termination given by one Party to the other, notifying the Party receiving the notice of the intention of the Party giving the notice to terminate this Framework Agreement on a specified date and setting out the grounds for termination; “Unresolved Dispute” has the meaning given to it in paragraph 4.2 of Framework Schedule 8 (Framework Management); "Variation" has the meaning given to it in Clause 36.1.1 (Variation Procedure); "Variation Form" means the form that will be completed and signed by the Parties to effect a variation which shall be in the form set out in Framework Schedule 14 (Variation Form); "Variation Procedure" means the procedure for carrying out a Variation as set out in Clause 36.1 (Variation Procedure); "VAT" means value added tax in accordance with the provisions of the Value Added Tax Xxx 0000; "Working Days" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in England and Wales. The purpose of this Part A of Framework Schedule 2 (Services and Key Performance Indicators) is to set out the scope of the Services that the Supplier shall make available to all Contracting Bodies under this Framework Agreement and to provide a description of what the Services entail together with any specific Standards applicable to the Services. Where branded or specific items are specified in this schedule, the Supplier may substitute those items with EU replacement items of equivalent specification.