Examples of Contract savings in a sentence
The Contractor is entitled to share in instant Contract savings only, to the full extent provided for in this Article.
Agencies are reminded that they must provide the State Contractor an opportunity to match the non- Contract savings at least two business days prior to purchase.
It is interesting to emphasize that a lubricant effect can exist while FTIR experiment shows no surfactant adsorption within 60 minutes.Figure 3.
Its direction of travel could significantly affect the Council’s financial position.Going forward the Council will revisit the Transformation Programme and a particular issue here will be the impact of delivering the Leisure Contract savings reported to Cabinet in February 2020.
Agencies are reminded that they Must provide the State Contractor an opportunity to match the non- Contract savings at least two business days prior to purchase.
The term does not include the normal administrative costs of processing the DUF6 Contractor’s proposal or any increase in this Contract’s cost or price resulting from negative Contract savings (see below).
They do not include the normal administrative costs of processing the VECP.Instant Contract savings - The estimated reduction in Contractor cost of performance resulting from acceptance of the VECP, minus allowable Contractor's development and implementation costs (including subcontractor's development and implementation costs).
A non-refundable charge of $35 per non-resident player will be billed to the Recreation Association at the end of the season.
Contract savings premiums and housing allowances are allocated under the budget titles of either finance or social affairs ministries.
The Contractor may submit Value Engineering Change Proposals (VECP) for changes that the Contractor believes will result in instant Contract savings of at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).