Contract Well definition

Contract Well means a well that is included by the process outlined in paragraph 4.2.4 via a formal agreement between the Subdistrict and the well owner to include a groundwater well that is not currently a Subdistrict Well in the Subdistrict’s ARP.
Contract Well means a well that is included by the process outlined in Section
Contract Well means a well that is included via a formal agreement between the Subdistrict and the well owner pursuant to C.R. S. § 37-45-131 to include within the GMP and its ARPs as a groundwater well that diverts from the Aquifer as a Subdistrict Well.

Examples of Contract Well in a sentence

  • The Subdistrict will mail out a notice to each Subdistrict Member and Contract Well owner when the fee calculation process is complete.

  • In such circumstances, the Board of Managers or Board of Directors may base the Groundwater Withdrawal Fee on some previous time-period of groundwater withdrawals per Subdistrict or Contract Well.

  • The Subdistrict will begin replacing and/or remedying injurious stream depletions, to include any Post-Plan Injurious Stream Depletions accruing to any stream from prior Subdistrict and Contract Well withdrawals, following the approval of the first ARP in accordance with the Groundwater Rules and continuing for each ARP Year thereafter.

  • In order to ensure that all Subdistrict Members and Contract Well owners receive fair and equal treatment, the Board of Managers will consider appeals by such Subdistrict Members and Contract Well owners who believe the Annual Service and User Fees are inaccurate or in error.

  • A Contract Well may be located inside or outside of the exterior boundaries of the Subdistrict.

  • The initial minimum Participation Contract Fee will be charged regardless of the Board’s approval/disapproval to include the proposed Contract Well in the Subdistrict’s ARP.

  • The Subdistrict Board of Managers requires a Subdistrict or Contract Well owner to notify the Subdistrict if there is a water court or Division of Water Resources administrative change as to the conditions of the groundwater right at the time of joining the Subdistrict.

  • Required information for the proposed Contract Well must be reported to the Subdistrict on the appropriate form which is available at the District’s office or on the District’s website.

  • The groundwater withdrawn by a Contract Well in any single year will have an ongoing delayed effect.Accordingly, each approved Participation Contract to include a Contract Well will require the Subdistrict to remedy Post-Plan Injurious Stream Depletions associated with the Contract Well going forward for several years.

  • Any Subdistrict Member who owns and/or manages a Subdistrict or Contract Well that is not required to be metered under the State’s Measurement Rules must have an alternative method of measurement approved by the Subdistrict and the Division of Water Resources before any groundwater withdrawals occur.

More Definitions of Contract Well

Contract Well means a groundwater well that is included in the Subdistrict’s ARP by the process outlined in section 2.3 via a formal agreement between the Subdistrict and the well owner.

Related to Contract Well

  • Horizontal well means a well bore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty (80) degrees to the vertical or with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred (100) feet measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of supply.

  • Dry well means a type of infiltration practice that allows storm water run-off to flow directly into the ground via a bored or otherwise excavated opening in the ground surface.

  • Oil well means any well capable of producing oil or oil and casinghead gas from a common source of supply as determined by the commission.

  • Shallow well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is not a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock (or equivalent retarding mechanism acceptable to the department) at least 5 feet thick, the top of which is located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Test Well means a well constructed for the purpose of obtaining information needed to design a well prior to its construction. Test wells are cased and can be converted to observation or monitoring wells and under certain circumstances to production wells

  • Gas well means a well producing gas or natural gas from a common source of gas supply as determined by the commission.

  • Exploration Well means a well that is not a development well, a service well or a stratigraphic test well.

  • Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.

  • Development Well means a well drilled inside the established limits of an oil or gas reservoir, or in close proximity to the edge of the reservoir, to the depth of a stratigraphic horizon known to be productive.

  • Deep well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock at least 5 feet thick located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Injection well means a well into which fluids are injected. (See also “underground injection”.)

  • Contract Area means, on the Effective Date, the area described in Appendix-A and delineated on the map attached as Appendix B or any portion of the said area remaining after relinquishment or surrender from time to time pursuant to the terms of this Contract (including any additional area as provided under Article 11.3).

  • service well means a well drilled or completed for the purpose of supporting production in an existing field. Wells in this class are drilled for the following specific purposes: gas injection (natural gas, propane, butane or flue gas), water injection, steam injection, air injection, salt water disposal, water supply for injection, observation or injection for combustion.

  • drilling means the act of boring a hole to reach a proposed bottom hole location through which oil or gas may be produced if encountered in paying quantities, and includes redrilling, sidetracking, deepening, or other means necessary to reach the proposed bottom hole location, testing, logging, plugging, and other operations necessary and incidental to the actual boring of the hole;

  • Lot depth means the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.

  • Drill means a response to a planned, simulated event.

  • stratigraphic test well means a drilling effort, geologically directed, to obtain information pertaining to a specific geologic condition. Ordinarily, such wells are drilled without the intention of being completed for hydrocarbon production. They include wells for the purpose of core tests and all types of expendable holes related to hydrocarbon exploration. Stratigraphic test wells are classified as (i) "exploratory type" if not drilled into a proved property; or (ii) "development type", if drilled into a proved property. Development type stratigraphic wells are also referred to as "evaluation wells".

  • Production Area means that part of the animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. The animal confinement area includes, but is not limited to, open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, egg washing or egg processing areas, areas used for the storage and disposal/treatment of mortalities, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways, and stables. The manure storage area includes, but is not limited to, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under-house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes, but is not limited to, feed silos, and silage bunkers. The waste containment area includes, but is not limited to, settling basins and areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.

  • Exploratory Well means a well that is not a development well, a service well or a stratigraphic test well.

  • Drilling unit means the area fixed for the drilling of one well by order or rule of any state or federal body having authority. If a Drilling Unit is not fixed by any such rule or order, a Drilling Unit shall be the drilling unit as established by the pattern of drilling in the Contract Area unless fixed by express agreement of the Drilling Parties.

  • Contract Work means everything required to be furnished and done by the Contractor by any one or more of the parts of the Contract referred to in Article 1, except Extra Work as hereinafter defined.

  • exploration area means that part of the Area allocated to the Contractor for exploration, described in schedule 1 hereto, as the same may be reduced from time to time in accordance with this contract and the Regulations;

  • CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.

  • Depth , in respect of a building, means the measured distance between the front line of the building and the back line of the rear main wall which separates the main building from the open space;


  • Drilling operations means the drilling of an oil and gas well and the production and completion operations ensuing from the drilling which require entry upon the surface estate and which were commenced after June 30, 1979, and oil and gas geophysical and seismograph exploration activities commenced after June 30, 1983.