Examples of Control Interest in a sentence
Wholly Owned Supplier – A supplier whose total ownership interest is held by the Contractor or by a person, persons, or other entity with an Ownership or Control Interest in the Contractor.
All providers who indicate that they are a corporation on the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement are required to submit the Corporate Board of Directors Resolution.
Taxpayer identification numbers for the provider, and individuals or entities other than the provider, are also subject to mandatory disclosure for purposes of the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement, as authorized by OAR 407-120-0320(5)(A)(c), 410-120-1260, 410-120-1510(M), 410-120-1380(1)(M) and OAR 410-141-0120.
Using the Department-specified disclosure form, and in accordance with 42 CFR 455.104, the Contractor, if organized as a corporation, shall provide disclosures for each Person with an Ownership or Control Interest in the Contractor.
Persons with an Ownership or Control Interest in the Contractor include officers and directors only if the Contractor is organized as a corporation.
If you are an individual practitioner or in a group of practitioners that is not organized as a business proprietorship, limited liability corporation, partnership, or corporation, whether it be for profit or not for profit, you are not required to complete Part 2 of the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement (SCDHHS Form 1514).
The provider agrees to submit within thirty-five (35) days of the date on a request by the SMA or HHS a full and complete updated Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement.
Person with an Ownership or Control Interest (§ 455.102(b)) Ownership interest also includes interests in mortgages, deeds of trust, notes, and other obligations.
Changes of ownership or tax identification number terminate this agreement and the new owner or provider must reapply and submit an updated Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement.
The provider agrees that all required ownership and operating information is fully and truthfully disclosed on the Disclosure of Ownership and Control Interest Statement which is included as part of the Provider Application.