Examples of Control Option in a sentence
If a Customer has elected a Controlled Load Option or Other Load Control Option, the Distributor may control the relevant part of the Customer's load for the maximum period permitted by the relevant Price Category or Price Option (subject to any eligibility criteria and other associated requirements relating to that Price Category or Price Option).
The regulatory process requires consideration for upgrading Control Option 1 to another higher-level performance target.
The Baseline and Control Option 1 performance numbers represent the comparison between the existing system and the proposed control options.
The 2013 Baseline model represents the sewer system baseline in the year 2013 and the 2037 Master Plan – Control Option 1 model, which includes the proposed control options in the year 2037.
A Risk And Opportunity Control Option Matrix covering the district control options has been developed and is included as part of Appendix D in Part 3B.
For MON facilities using flares as APCDs, it is estimated that approximately 90 percent of these flares are either steam- or air-assisted (see the memorandum, Control Option Impacts for Flares Located in the Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Source Category, which is available in the docket for this rulemaking).
A Risk And Opportunity Control Option Matrix covering the district control options has been developed and is included as Appendix D in Part 3B.
For more detail on the impact estimates, see the technical memorandum titled Control Option Impacts for Flares Located in the Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing Source Category, which is available in the docket for this rulemaking.Table 3.
Figure 1 – Control Option for Multi-Span PS Beams Analyzed as Continuous If simple span ratings of a multi-span prestressed girder bridge are lower than anticipated and/or would require bridge posting and would benefit from continuous span behavior, then proceed with the additional analysis described in LRFD Section as part of a posting avoidance option and submit a BMO Approvals Form as described in this Technical Note.
The Company shall use reasonable best efforts to ensure that any such segregated fund shall be held in trust in a manner that will not result in taxable income to the Participant until actual payment of the Change in Control Option Spread is received by the Participant.