Convention country definition

Convention country means, in accordance with the wording of Article 45 of the Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption, any country in which the Convention has entered into force, except for a country against whose accession the Republic has raised an objection under Article 44 of the Convention;
Convention country means a country which is a party to the Convention;
Convention country means a country in which the Hague Convention is for the time being in force;

Examples of Convention country in a sentence

  • Consistent with The Hague Convention and the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act of 2012, and regardless of whether or not applicants are adopting from a Hague Convention country or a Non-Convention country, all applicants pursuing an intercountry adoption must identify a Primary Provider in the foreign country.

  • This applies to families who are adopting from a Hague Convention country.

  • Consistent with the Hague Convention and the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act of 2012, and regardless of whether or not applicants are adopting from a Hague Convention country or a Non-Convention country, all applicants pursuing an intercountry adoption must identify a Primary Provider in the foreign country.

  • The same also applies when the performance, though no sound fixation of it is made, is included in a broadcast transmission that is protected in accordance with article 6 of the Rome Convention, on condition that, in accordance with the Norwegian reservation in regard to the said article, the broadcasting organization has its registered office in another Convention country and the broadcast transmission was made from a transmitter in the same Convention country.

  • However, claiming priority on the basis of an earlier mark filed in a Convention country.

More Definitions of Convention country

Convention country means a country (other than Singapore) that is a Contracting State within the meaning of the Convention;
Convention country means a party to the Hague Convention, other than Australia;
Convention country means any country or territory in which the Convention is in force,
Convention country means any country or group of countries in respect of which there is in force a proclamation under section 63 declaring such country or group of countries to be a convention country or convention countries for the purposes of this Act;
Convention country means any country or territory in which the Convention is in force;
Convention country means a foreign country or region of a kind prescribed by the regulations.
Convention country means a country which has acceded to an international convention for the protection of plant varieties to which India has also acceded, or a country which has a law on protection of plant varieties on the basis of which India has entered into an agreement for granting plant breeders' right to the citizens of both the countries;